September Update is live!
An update has been installed on the Warface servers. You are in for an in-game Battle Pass, Pirates' Day themed content, weapon charms, a reworked "District" map, heaps of new weapons and more. Hurry up to learn details!
The installation of the September update will mean the re-downloading of the full game for all the players – that is approximately 17GB of data. We realize how much we inconvenience you with this, so we have prepared a compensation – a Mega VIP booster for 3 days. Furthermore, we want to assure you this is a necessary one-off measure that will provide plenty of benefits in the long run. Details.
Use the promocode to get your compensation. Please note that the code will be active till October 23rd and can be used only once. Thank you for your understanding!
New Content
This time, we are glad to present you changes that will not only bring new camos, skins and weapons to the game, but also significantly improve your gaming experience. Read on to learn details!
In-game Battle Pass
In this update, the Battle Pass has been integrated into the Warface client. Global operations within the game have several advantages:
- In-game Battle Pass. The global operation interface has become an integral part of the client - it is laconic and intuitive even for beginners.
Instant task progress registration. You will no longer have to wait for the progress to get updated - as soon as the task conditions are met in a match, it will immediately be marked as completed.
Quick reward distribution. You will no longer need to exchange points for rewards - when you complete a task, they will be given to you immediately after the combat is over.
Level progression. You will receive rewards not only for doing tasks, but also for advancing through levels.
Free access. The ability to receive event rewards without purchasing the premium Battle Pass access.
Notification system. You can learn about the completion of tasks even in combat - a special notification will appear on the left side of the screen.
Transparent reward system. Thanks to the linear progression, you will clearly know what stages will surely grant you certain prizes.
Learn more in the previous article.
Battle Pass: Season 0
Battle Pass: Season 0 is a test client integrated global operation during which you will advance through levels by completing tasks and receiving valuable rewards. The premium access to the Battle Pass will be available for in-game currency. Please note that Season 0 will last for a week. Details.
HX Outdoors Trident
The combat stats of the novelty will be on par with those of the Balisong Knife. Apart from excellent combat effectiveness, the knife offers a unique animation that gets activated when it is not used and allows you to get a better view of the unique colors of the weapon. Details.
"Lightcycle" Weapon Series
The guns of new "Lightcycle" weapon series are decorated with a neon pattern that constantly changes its color. The series includes only the best weapon models with excellent specs suitable for solving any tactical tasks. Details.
By killing enemies with Lightcycle arms, you can earn bright neon weapon expert stripes!
Pirates' Day Content
A good pirate knows worthy booty when he sees one. As a well-known pirate used to say, not all treasure is silver and gold. So we have prepared flashy themed content for you to celebrate pirate conquests.
Weapon Charms
The charm system in Warface will open up a new facet of customization: together with camouflages, they will make customization of the weapon looks even more flexible. They will also expand possibilities of introducing new content into the game to mark various holidays, events and other activities. Here are 5 types of themed charms to mark Pirates' Day. Each accessory is set in a unique style, so it will not be difficult for you to choose a charm to your liking. Details.
"Pirate" Weapon Series
The "Pirate" series includes mainly weapons from the crafting system expanded with a grenade launcher for the SED, secondary weapons and melee arms. An ocean-dwelling nightmare, the Kraken, adorns the guns of the new series. The kraken has a human skull in a pirate cocked hat instead of a head. The series will become one of the key elements of the festive content and will undoubtedly please all fans of pirates. Details.
By eliminating those who do not comply with the Pirate Code using "Pirate" weapons, you can get expert stripes!
Themed Achievements
Themed achievements will be a cherry on top. They will complete the look of a true pirate! You can expand your collection with a cool badge, mark and stripe.
Battle Pass "Mutiny"
Prepare for the unique rewards of the Mutiny Battle Pass that will be launched right after the Battle Pass: Season 0 ends. You will find even more charms, unique skins "Peacekeeper", the weapon series "Guardian" and "Rogue", as well as themed achievements. Stay tuned!
District 2.0
"District" appeared in the game back in 2013 and even today it remains one of the most popular "Plant the Bomb" maps. However, a lot of time passed since the location development; so it needed to be brought up to modern standards.
"District 2.0" looks way better - the map has become brighter and richer in contrast while its objects and textures have been replaced with more detailed and modern ones. As for the gameplay, "District 2.0" has become more comfortable to play. Many exploits have been removed. The firefighting areas now offer no clear advantage to either side.
For fans of District 2.0 we have added special achievements for victories and the first places. Only the best fighters can pin them on their profiles! Details.
New Weapons
As the name implies, the in-game incarnation of the HCAR Auto differs from its predecessor due to its fully automatic fire. The rifle boasts high damage, increased magazine capacity, improved rate of fire and good range, which makes the novelty a really formidable arm in experienced hands. In addition, the HCAR Auto offers increased damage multipliers to the body and limbs, and can be easily equipped with a unique suppressor and a reflex sight. Details.
The revamped version FN P90 Custom will pleasantly surprise you with an impressive efficiency at close and medium ranges thanks to a high rate of fire and the ability to eliminate enemies in close quarters with one headshot. The custom version of the FN P90 surpasses its original in damage, range, magazine capacity, and head and limb damage multipliers. The weapon also features a hi-tech design and can be equipped with one-off attachments - a silencer and a sight. Details.
The AMB-17 is a small-sized assault rifle designed by the Kalashnikov Group and created on the basis of the AM-17, a development of the legendary gunsmith Evgeny Dragunov, featuring all cutting-edge technologies. The weapon was elaborated for the secret services and the army to replace the AS Val and VSS Vintorez. The damage and effective range of the new arm in the game are identical to those of the AM-17, but the AMB-17 surpasses its predecessor in the rate of fire. This advantage is offset by a slightly lower magazine capacity and reduced hip fire accuracy. Details.
The lightweight tactical sniper rifle DVL-10 M2 is a cutting-edge product of the Russian manufacturer Lobaev Arms that can be successfully employed wherever compactness, mobility and high accuracy are required. In the game, the weapon allows for quick aiming and is able to kill the enemy by impacting any body part. Details.
More Content
And that is not all! We have prepared several important novelties that will please both new players who have recently discovered Warface and project veterans. A solo mission, an updated interface, and other major changes are waiting for you!
Solo Mission
We are glad to announce the appearance of a Solo Mission - a short special operation for individual or cooperative completion with friends (3 players maximum). In this mission, new players will be able to familiarize themselves with the project and appreciate all its merits, veterans can test weapons from their Inventories and master the key mechanics, while returning players will learn how much Warface has changed since their last game session and why it is worth coming back. Details.
Reworked UI (First Stage)
We are glad to share great news - the first changes to the game interface are already available in the current game version. It has become more modern and convenient for using both a mouse and a gamepad. The main menu, chat, friends list, notification box, player information block and other significant elements have been revamped. This is just the first step in the global change of the UI. Stay tuned!
Set of mini-boss finishing off animations
The set of available animations for finishing off opponents in PvE missions and Special Operations has been expanded. If a mini-boss (for example, SED-2 or Firestarter) is blocked in a corner or near an obstacle that prevents you from getting close to him from the back, you can still deliver the killing blow.
The "Lake Bird" series has been expanded. Added weapons and stripes that can be obtained by destroying opponents with the guns of this series.
Added a set of new achievements for the first place in Ranked Matches.
Added achievements for the Battle Cup series tournaments.
Added achievements for winners of all tournament seasons of the Warface Open Cup.
Added new MVP Tournament Achievements.
Added new achievements for clan tournaments.
Random Boxes with crafteable weapons from the past Battle Passes have been added to the game as part of the gradual transfer of crafting from the site to the game.
Added Random Boxes with cards for crafting Blackwood guns.
Content Changes
Eliminated a number exploits (more than 35 ones) on the maps "Yard", "Bridges", "D17", "Destination", "Factory", "Palace" and "Pyramid". Try and find them all!
The difficulty of the Special Operations "Mars", "Sunrise" and "Pripyat" on the "Hard" level has been reduced by decreasing opponents' health and armor, as well as the damage they deal.
The Special Operation "Mars" will be temporarily disabled.
Holographic tutorials have appeared in the Safe House. By activating them, the player can learn more about a particular mechanic. The hints are located in the training hall and the training room. They are indicated by blue icons.
Reworked the bomb model as well as the animation of its planting and defusing in the first person view.
All weapon attachments now have dark coloured versions.
Extended the list of weapon series employing dark versions of attachments.
All equipment in the game now has rarity categories.
Improved the shoulder position of the soldiers of the "Gorgon" and "Samurai" squads in the Inventory preview and shop interface when using a number of guns.
Changes to weapons and gear
In addition, the update has brought changes to the specs of some guns. All the versions of the weapons and gear will be subject to change, unless stated otherwise. Have a look at the table below to discover what combat stats will be revamped.
Hover the cursor over to see the tweaks

Softer recoil.

Decreased spread in the aiming mode in the standing, sitting, prone positions and while jumping.

Softer recoil.
Simpler recoil pattern.

Increased ammo (from 25 to 30).
Decreased spread in the aiming mode in the prone positions and while jumping.

The trajectory of the grenade is now longer.
Increased time before explosion (from 1,7 sec to 1,9 sec).

Improved preloading of frequently used sounds in the Special Operations "Anubis" and "HQ" (to optimize the client's consumption of PC resources).
In PvE missions and Special Operations, the realism of some sound effects has been increased.
- The possibility to view the progress of personal statistics, contracts, achievements and tasks of the in-game Battle Pass in the "Clan War" mode has been disabled.
Technical Changes
Changes to shooting mechanics
Shooting, as one of the main game mechanics, has always been in the center of attention of prohibited software developers. In particular, they used game exploits which made it possible to shoot without interruptions. Of course, the situation needed to be solved.
And while working on the problem, it became clear that a high-quality fix cannot be limited to the elimination of only one vulnerability. We had to modify the most basic shooting mechanics, so it took us quite a long time. Some of the root shooting algorithms have been completely reworked, and some of them have been transferred from the game client to the server.
Please note that this change is purely internal and technical in nature. It does not affect weapon specs and their conduct in battle.
Bug Fixes
Added additional logging to get more data on some reasons of game client crashes.
Fixed a bug due to which, in some cases, the sounds and visual effects of bolt-action sniper rifle shots were not be played.
Fixed a bug due to which the visual effects and sounds of weapons firing bursts continued to be played even after firing stopped.
Gerber Tomahawk "Clubs": fixed a visual error due to which, when viewed in the third person, the "Spades" card suit was displayed on the weapon frame.
FN P90 Custom: fixed an error due to which the weapon had an incorrect rarity type.
Kriss Super V: fixed a bug due to which the player could resume firing before the end of the reload animation.
Kriss Super V "Cherry Blossom": fixed an error due to which the text in the weapon description in the Inventory and in the Shop had excessive formatting.
AUG A3: fixed an error due to which the weapon was displayed incorrectly in the character's hands.
M134-GAU19b Hybrid: fixed an error due to which, when viewed in the third person, the sounds of machine gun overheating did not become quieter as the distance from the character wielding this weapon increased.
Arcus: fixed an error which caused visual artifacts on the weapon during the reload.
Golden Fabarm S.A.T. 8 Pro: fixed an error due to which the color of the regular sight did not change when using the "Particle" skin.
M134-GAU19b Hybrid: fixed a bug due to which the weapon was missing a rarity category.
M134-GAU19b Hybrid "Gorgon": fixed an error due to which the weapon was displayed incorrectly in the character's hands in the Inventory when switching between classes.
RPK: fixed an error due to which the upper part of the receiver disappeared when viewed in the third person.
XM8 Compact "Impulse": fixed an error due to which the weapon texture was too bright in the first person view.
H&K G28 "Apache": fixed an error which caused an incorrect display of the Vector Optics Maverick collimator in the third person view.
F90 MBR: fixed an error due to which the reload animation was different when viewed in the third and in the first person.
F90 MBR "Cherry Blossom": fixed an error due to which the weapon had an incorrect description.
TEC-9: fixed an error which caused a visual artifact in the left corner of the screen when using the Leupold Deltapoint Mk1 collimator and the "Samurai" skin.
VHS-2: fixed an error due to which the text in the weapon description in the Inventory and in the Shop had an incorrect formatting.
M240B: fixed an error due to which kills made with the weapon were not counted in some contracts.
fixed a bug due to which the handle with the Laser Sight had an incorrect description;
fixed an error due to which the reload animation was different when viewed in the third and in the first person.
Kriss Super V Custom: fixed an error due to which the aiming point of the Redring Mk2 collimator was displayed even out of the aiming mode.
DP-27: fixed a bug due to which the markers of custom attachments in the customization menu had an incorrect position.
Orsis T-5000: fixed an error due to which the weapon was displayed incorrectly in the character's hands with the default vest equipped.
Gepard GM6 Lynx: fixed an error due to which the weapon was displayed incorrectly in the character's hands.
Truvelo CMS 20x42 mm: fixed an error which caused visual artifacts on some camouflaged weapon versions in the third person view.
Colt Python Elite: fixed an error due to which shell casings were displayed incorrectly after being removed during reloading.
CDX-MC Kraken: fixed an error which caused visual artifacts on the weapon in the third person view.
Gilboa Snake DBR: fixed an error which, in the first person view, caused a visual artifact in the lower left corner of the screen when switching weapons with the "Samurai" skin equipped.
Howa Type 89 Custom Warface PRO I: fixed an error due to which the weapon had an incorrect rarity category.
H&K 121: fixed a bug due to which the unique weapon grip had an incorrect bonus description.
Tavor TAR-21: fixed an error due to which the weapon was displayed incorrectly in the character's hands.
AM-17: fixed a bug due to which the reload animation was different when viewed in the third person and in the first person.
SIG MPX SBR Custom: fixed a bug due to which the reload animation was different when viewed in the third person and in the first person.
Cobalt Kinetics Stealth Pistol: fixed a bug due to which the reload animation was different when viewed in the third person and in the first person.
Thompson M1928: fixed a bug due to which the reload animation was different when viewed in the third person and in the first person.
Desert Eagle: fixed a bug due to which the weapon was missing a rarity category.
AUG A3: fixed an error due to which the animation of a melee strike did not match the actual action.
PM-84 Glauberyt Custom "Atlas": fixed an error due to which the incorrect name of the weapon was displayed in the window of available camouflages.
Chiappa Triple Threat: fixed an error due to which the position of the standard Iron Sight did not correspond to the actual point of impact.
Chiappa Triple Threat: fixed an error due to which the weapon was displayed incorrectly in the character's hands.
Rocket Launcher RLGS-1000: fixed an error due to which the weapon had the old name and icon in the combat log.
Golden FN SCAR-H: fixed an error due to which kills made with the weapon did not count in some contracts.
Classic Soviet Knife: fixed a bug due to which the scope moved down during sprint in the first person view.
Fixed an error due to which the reticle of the Improved Reflex Sight EOTECH 553 did not match the actual point of impact.
Fixed an error due to which the "Idol" skins (3rd edition) were not displayed in the camouflage menu after purchase.
Fixed an error due to which reloading pump-action shotguns, in some cases, could lead to an incorrect number of cartridges in the magazine; at the same time, the extra cartridge did not deal damage.
Fixed a bug due to which the animation of reloading shotguns firing bursts froze when reloading one cartridge at a time.
Fixed a bug due to which the animation of reloading shotguns froze when reloading the last round from the ammo to a not full magazine.
Fixed a bug due to which the last round from the ammo disappeared if it was reloaded into a magazine containing one cartridge.
Fixed an error due to which the time and extent of blinding when a flash bang grenade went off in the hands depended on the player's camera position.
Fixed an error due to which single-piece special equipment (grenades, mines, ammo boxes, etc.) was spent when performing a melee attack using them.
Fixed a bug due to which the ammo counter in the shotgun magazine was incorrect if reloading was interrupted by opening the weapon modification menu.
Fixed an error due to which the effect of the smoke screen inside the cloud persisted for a while when the smoke itself had almost dissipated.
Enjinia: fixed an error which caused a visual artifact in the third person view when the player was repairing his armor.
Protective Boots: fixed a bug due to which the equipment had an incorrect description.
Sapper Shoes: fixed a bug due to which the equipment had an incorrect description.
Fixed a bug which caused an incorrect display of the characters' shoulders with equipped regular and elite "Gorgon" skins.
"Construction": fixed an error due to which the player could get stuck at a certain point on the map.
"Hackrock": fixed an error due to which the player could get stuck at the "Tunnel" point next to the wicket door.
"Blackwood Base": fixed an error due to which some objects on the map were displayed incorrectly at a certain distance.
"Plant the Bomb": fixed an error due to which the bomb icon was displayed on the post-match statistics screen.
"Invasion": fixed an error due to which the SED could occupy unintended positions on the map.
"Bridges": fixed a bug due to which it was more difficult to get into the window next to the second plant site from the street (from the point "Hole" to the point "First Floor") than to get out of it.
"Blackgold": fixed an error due to which the shadows from the environment near the second capture point did not match the objects that were casting them.
"Ghost Town": fixed a bug due to which there was an unintended exploit on the map.
"Quarry": fixed a bug due to which some objects on the map were displayed incorrectly at a certain distance.
"Palace": fixed an error due to which players could occupy unintended positions on the map.
Fixed an error due to which players were displayed on the radar if they "stepped" on a killed character of the opposite team.
"District", "Bridges": fixed visual artifacts at some points on the map.
"Farm" (all versions): fixed an error due to which the player could get stuck in planks at a certain point on the map.
- Fixed a bug due to which, in some cases, the icon for finishing off the enemy disappeared if the action was performed simultaneously with the jump.
"Blackwood Operation":
fixed a bug due to which the player could not deal damage with a grenade launcher during a melee attack;
fixed an error due to which certain elements of rooms with SED link units had incorrect textures;
fixed an error which caused visual artifacts around the defense lasers in the doorways at the base leading to "Argus";
fixed an error due to which the visual effect of Hadron 2.0's vulnerable point was displayed in the air even after the boss became invulnerable;
fixed a bug due to which the lines of Oberon White could overlap after the destruction of Quant and return to the base;
fixed a bug due to which, when buying a grenade launcher, its cost was not displayed in the tooltip;
fixed a bug due to which, after being dropped, the grenade launcher hovered above the ground at a certain point on the map;
"Mars" (Act 3): fixed a bug due to which the player could not get the Megadez attachment for Arcus and complete the level.
"Pripyat": fixed an error due to which, when firing at the "Mantis", the damage indicator incorrectly displayed the current state of the boss.
Fixed an error due to which the player stack indicator was not displayed in PvE rooms.
Fixed a bug due to which the sounds of enemy heavy machine gun shots in PvE missions were played incorrectly.
"Blackwood Operation": fixed an error that caused a player to fall into textures at a certain point on the map in the location with "Quantum".
"Safe House": fixed an error due to which in case of interruption of shooting training for a while by going to the Inventory, it was impossible to resume the test.
Fixed one of the reasons for game client crashes.
Fixed an error due to which the names of rewards were not fully displayed on the Ranked Matches screen.
Fixed an error due to which the text in the description of weapons included in any sets had incorrect formatting.
Fixed an error due to which in some text scrollbars appeared in the interface even when the text was fully displayed.
Fixed a bug due to which the achievements "Baron of Black Mamba", "Duke of Black Mamba" and "King of Black Mamba" worked incorrectly.
Fixed an error due to which, in some cases, extra crafting cards could not be exchanged for free ones.
Fixed an error due to which, after exchanging extra cards for free ones, the counter of the used currency displayed an incorrect number.
"Safe House": fixed a bug due to which the player could get stuck at the vault point.
Fixed an error due to which the game chat disappeared during a match if you switched from the window to the fullscreen mode before sending a written message.
Fixed an error due to which the achievement "Challenger" had an incorrect name and type.
Fixed an error due to which the number of kills required to get the achievement "Silent but Deadly" differred in the description and in the counter.
Fixed an error due to which the number of kills required to get the achievements "Ebenezer Scrooge", "Grinch" and "Yippie Kai Yay" differred in the description and in the counter.
Fixed an error due to which the number of kills required to get the achievements "Supersonic", "Hypersonic" and "Ultrasonic" differred in the description and in the counter.
Fixed an error due to which the description and name of the achievements "Go, SuperStars!" and "Go, SinePonte!" were reversed.
Fixed an error due to which the destruction of not only helicopters, but of other aircraft (for example, convertiplanes in "Icebreaker") counted for the achievements "Air Defence Unit", "Unleash the ack-ack" and "Welcome to the no-fly zone".
Fixed situations when firing a rapid-fire weapon, the logic of shooting effect reproduction was incorrect.
Fixed an error due to which, in some cases, closing the game client via Alt + F4 led to its crash.
Fixed a bug due to which, if there was a temporary weapon version in the Inventory and more than 1000 cards of this weapon in the crafting system, all cards of this weapon became free upon exchanging extra cards.
Fixed a bug due to which the user did not receive correct rewards in the in-game Battle Pass if his character had rank 11.
Fixed an error due to which a test item was available in the player's Inventory upon selecting the SED.
Fixed a bug due to which the user did not receive the AT308 "Lightcycle" as a reward after purchasing Battle Pass levels.
Fixed an error due to which an incorrect type of weapon was awarded upon buying levels.
Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to scroll through the list of received rewards using the cursor in the notification box.
Fixed a bug due to which the text of the training tips in the "Safe House" was not fully displayed.
Fixed an error due to which empty letters were displayed in the notification box if a player received an invitation to a clan, and then turned on the "Do not disturb" mode.
Fixed an error which causes visual artifacts at the edges of the interface upon changing the resolution to 800x600.
Known Bugs
Incorrect display of interface elements for the owners of low resolution monitors (from 800x600 to 1360x786).
"Solo Mission": the XM556 Microgun machine gun overheating effect is displayed incorrectly.
The chat window does not open if you click the "Personal Chat" button in the player's profile.
Some weapons have an incorrect rarity type.
Incorrect localization.
Good luck in combat!