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Ranked Matches 2.0: Pirate Season

Categories: General

Ahoy, maties!

Aarrr! The themed Pirates' Day Ranked Matches Season will start tomorrow. Take part in breathtaking combat and get plentiful rewards including permanent themed camos and charms, temporary guns and hundreds of crafting cards for the "Pirate" weapon series. Show your opponents that you are not the one to feed the fish - your effort will be generously rewarded with a proper booty. Demonstrate your skill and fly your Jolly Roger!


The new season will begin tomorrow at around 12:00 UTC (13:00 CEST) and will last till 08:30 UTC (10:30 CEST) on the 30th of September. You will fight on the maps of "Plant the bomb" game mode and Blitz excluding "Platform". SEDs are excluded from the Ranked. 

In this season you will be able to get:

  • Rare camos from "Amethyst", "Hearts" and "Jade Dragon" series;
  • Unique achievements and a special stripe "Elusive Avenger" for the first league;
  • "Spectre" gear for each class;
  • Cards for crafting weapons of the "Pirate" series.
Seasonal Rewards

1st league
Cobalt Kinetics EDGE "Pirate" Card
25 units

21st league
"Dead Man's Chest" Charm

20th league
Cobalt Kinetics Twenty-Seven "Pirate" Card
25 units

District 2.0

The reworked map District 2.0 has been added to the seasonal map rotation. As for the gameplay, "District 2.0" has become more comfortable to play. Many exploits have been removed. The firefighting areas now offer no clear advantage to either side. In addition, the terrain has become smoother and the visibility of players against the environment has improved.

Boxes with "Spectre" gear ("Beta" and "Sigma")

The list of possible rewards has been extended with the "Spectre" gear ("Sigma" and "Beta") for each class. The reward will be available for all RM participants who have reached the fifth league or a higher one at the end of the season. In total, you can get two boxes: the first one with the gloves and the second one with the boots. The contents of the box are randomly selected. There is a certain possibility to get permanent "Sigma" items.

Sniper Boots "Spectre" ("Sigma")

Rifleman Gloves "Spectre" ("Beta")

Medic Gloves "Spectre" ("Beta")



A reworked progression is on. It features "refuge islands" in certain leagues making it tough to drop down and much easier to get to the top.


In order to advance between leagues, you need to win consecutive matches. As you climb higher, you will have to display better prowess, flexibility and persistence. At the same time, you won’t drop down instantaneously if you happen to lose — you will have a chance to recover by winning a series of matches. If you fail to use this opportunity and continue to lose, you’ll roll back to the previous league.

League Matches to win
21 1 out of 4
20 1 out of 4
19 1 out of 4
18 1 out of 4
17 2 out of 5
16 2 out of 5
15 2 out of 5
14 2 out of 5
13 2 out of 5
12 3 out of 6
11 3 out of 6
10 3 out of 6
9 3 out of 6
8 3 out of 6
7 4 out of 7
6 4 out of 7
5 4 out of 7
4 4 out of 7
3 5 out of 8
2 5 out of 8
1 5 out of 8
0 1 out of 5

In case of consistent progress, you will receive a special bonus for a winning streak. How does it work? It is quite simple: if you manage three wins in a row in the last matches of the previous league, you will automatically get one win in the new league. Here is an example.

Sixth League

A bonus for the winning streak is not counted: you will not be granted additional victory in the fifth league.

A bonus for the winning streak is counted: you will be granted additional victory in the fifth league.

Basic Rewards

By taking part in Ranked Matches, you can earn heaps of amazing rewards including one-off achievements and Random Boxes with rare camos.

Please note: to obtain achievements and camos after the end of the season, you must log into the game during the next season. Otherwise, if you come back after several seasons of Ranked Matches, the reward will be lost.


There are lots of cool achievements for the worthy! Demonstrate your skills every season, collect seasonal stripes and get the unique mark "Best of the best!". Top contenders that finish the season in the first league will be able to proudly fly their "Elusive Avenger" stripe.

Please note that if you skip a season, you’ll have to wait until the 12-season cycle is complete to try and earn the first league achievement again!


Rewards for reaching certain leagues are special season-related camos. Those players who reach the 3rd, the 2nd or the 1st leagues will get the seasonal skins "Amethyst" and "Hearts" as well as "Jade Dragon" camos.

Please note: these rewards are random and do not repeat.

Currencies and Boosters

Among progression rewards you will receive in-game currencies (Warface Dollars and Crowns). The higher the league, the larger sum you will get! In total, you can earn 5000 Crowns and 50 000 Warface Dollars. Read on to learn the amount each league yields. Please note: the current season awards no boosters.

Rewards for the 1st league

Rewards for the 21st – 19th leagues

Rewards for the 18th and the 17th leagues

Please remember, that you can always check your progress on your profile page.

Compete and conquer!

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