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Dev Diaries - Solo Mission

Categories: General


The Solo Mission is a short special operation for individual or cooperative completion in a squad of up to 3 players. The mission will familiarize new players with the project by featuring the most bright and memorable moments and locations from the most popular Special Operations. Inspite of being fast and easy, it will give Warface veterans an opportunity to polish key game mechanics and just have fun; at the same time, returning players will get a quick overview of the changes the game has undergone since their last game session. Check out the video below for more details. 

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Soon in game: AMB-17 and DVL-10 M2
The upcoming update will pleasantly surprise you with new weapons that will surely take their rightful places in your arsenal. Read on to learn more about the novelties!
21 Sep 2020 general
Important information on the coming update
Please acquaint yourself with the contents of the article
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