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September Update Hotfix

Categories: Patch Notes


A hotfix for the September update has been installed on the Warface servers. It contains some bug fixes. Read on to learn more about the changes in the game!


  • Improved the methods of verifying players at the login stage. They make it difficult to connect to the game through third-party applications that could be used by violators.
  • Matchmaking algorithms have changed. Now, thanks to multiple flows, the system reacts faster to new players joining the match search. This should improve the quality of the selection of allies and rivals.
  • All the classes are now available starting from Rank 1.
  • Changes have been made to the localization of in-game objects.
  • Reduced the cost of exchanging extra cards for free cards in the crafting system (10,000 for Warface Dollars, 100 for Crowns).

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed bugs due to which the completion of some special operations was impossible.
Full Changelog


  • "Blackwood Operation": fixed a bug due to which the Special Operation could not be completed if one of the players died 4 times in the battle against the boss.
  • "Blackwood Operation": fixed a bug due to which the lasers and rods of Argus did not deal damage.
  • "Hydra": fixed a bug due to which defense lasers did not deal damage.


  • Fixed an error due to which the Battle Pass tasks progress got registered faster than expected.

Known Bugs

  • The counter of the voting panel for the next map in Quick Play works incorrectly.
  • After the match, the navigation bar, currency counters and the in-game chat disappear from the game interface if the character was equipped with a permanent weapon version, and the "Automatically repair items" option was enabled.
  • Some weapons have an incorrect rarity type.

Good luck in combat!

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