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Warface FAQ#10

Categories: Blog
We continue posting the answers to the most burning questions you ask on our Social Media platforms. Here are the previous articles that might help you find the answers to the questions asked before:
Q.: There is a very high difference between (Nightmare) and Earthshaker hard, for example each PvE player can finish Earthshaker hard alone, but no one is able to finish (Nightmare) alone because definitely there is difference in difficulty clearly.
A.: Thank you for your detailed feedback. I’ll forward your suggestion!
Q.: Could you please stop putting us in the same lobby for game modes, if I leave the lobby I clearly don’t want to get put back in it.
A.: We are getting a lot of feedback concerning the matchmaking system from our players on a regular basis and keep forwarding it to the development team. Matchmaking system gets slightly improved in almost every update, and there are plenty of new features to come in the future updates.
Q.: Ranked TDM or Ranked Capture would be a nice twist to ranked to make it more enjoyable.
A.: We had an experiment with the “Capture” mode and it wasn’t successful. TDM doesn’t seem to be fitting a competitive mode since it doesn’t imply tactics or even using classes abilities.
Q.: Vendor shop guns should all receive small buffs in every category. Currently the only tiers worth playing with are rare & epic, & even then the gap between them and “premium” guns are huge.
A.: The reason why the guns have the current stats is that they are balanced according to the UX. These weapons are meant for the beginners and their efficiency corresponds with the skill level and gear. Imagine an experience of a newcomer that didn’t even unlock armor yet (which would mean getting instantly killed by a gun of a low tier if buffed).
Q.: Could you please bring deleted Balkan Peninsula coop maps back?
A.: Balkan Peninsula map was taken out because of the outdated graphics, which didn’t match the modern standards of the game. Maybe one day we will see the reworked version of the map, but It definitely won’t be back the way it is now ;)
Q.: Please, bring back WF$ weapons.
A.: We see all the requests from players concerning different items or boxes for Warface Dollars. Certain shop updates in the future will incorporate some of these requests. Unfortunately, we can not provide any further information as of now.

That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:

See you in game!

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