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Warface FAQ #9

Categories: Blog
We continue posting the answers to the most burning questions you ask on our Social Media platforms. Here are the previous articles that might help you find the answers to the questions asked before:
Q.: Why are there so many server restarts? 
A.: First of all, servers require weekly restarts to keep running without issues. Most of the server maintenance sessions are also used for applying certain configurations (for example for Ranked Games, login streaks, etc.) or fixing some issues.
Q.:  It was promised in the roadmap that Nintendo Switch will have crossplay. Will it be with us on the PC or with PS4 / Xbox One?
A.:Currently we plan to add the crossplay only to the console versions. First, it will come to PS4 and Xbox and later to Nintendo Switch.
Q.: Please translate your website to Portuguese.
A.:We are going to analyze the probability of adding the Portuguese language after the migration of Brazilain players.
Q.: How about a system where you can exchange Crowns or Warface Dollars for Kredits?
A.:Kredits are a premium currency, there won’t be an exchange for WF$ or crowns.
Q.: Would it be possible to have WF$ boxes added for some of the other older guns that are no longer available? For instance, the AUG A3 H-bar, H&K MG4, maybe the Jackhammer, Skorpion v83, etc. Have them rotated once a month or something.
A.: We’ll add them soon, stay posted!
Q.: Will you add the permanent Armor Kit and Defibrillator for WF Dollars please?
A.: Thanks for the suggestion, we’ll see what we can do about it.

That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:

See you in game!

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