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Warface FAQ #7

Categories: General
We continue posting the answers to the most burning questions you ask on our Social Media platforms. Here are the previous articles that might help you find the answers to the questions asked before:
Q.: Are there any news on the Washington server issues?
A.: Small update on the situation: the developers seem to detect the issue with WA server and the fix is expected in one of the upcoming updates. We apologize for the wait! 
Q.: Please add some new legendary weapons and armor.
A.: We see your multiple requests to add more vendor items to the game. The feedback has been forwarded to the developers. You can see from the current roadmap that they aim to extend vendor item line-up before the end of 2020.
Q.: Please add new crafting guns to the “Services” section.
A.: We don’t plan to expand the crafting guns on the website as this section will be taken down in the future. At the moment we’re focused on improving the in-game crafting.
Q.: Allow us to pick between 3 maps in Ranked Matches. Similar to Quickplay.
A.: From a technical standpoint it’s not possible since in QP you can stay in the same room and change the map, while in Ranked - the room closes as soon as the match ends.
Q.: The new survey that pops up when closing Warface is very long. I completed it and saw that the questions help you, but for such a long survey we should get a reward of like 500 crowns. That's what other devs do to encourage more players to take the time and participate and to show appreciation to those who do.
A.: We appreciate your feedback, we’ll discuss with the team.
Q.: Make a new mobile application for IOS and Android where we can check our inventory and stats and also buy Kredits and Battle Passes via mobile payment methods  and other options. 
A.: We aim to bring most of the website features directly to the game client. Making a mobile app will contradict that.

That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:

See you in game!

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