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Warface FAQ #3

Categories: General
We are back with the answers to the most burning questions you ask on our Social Media platforms. Here are the articles that might help you find the answers to the previous questions:
Q.: Who is developing Warface: Breakout? Will it come to PC? 
A.: Warface: Breakout is a separate game developed by Allods Team (a studio which is a part of MY.GAMES). They are the console developers, so currently there is no premise for the game to come to PC. If it’s going to change, we’ll let you know.
Don’t worry, the game development did not and will not affect the current versions of Warface in any way since a separate development team is in charge of Breakout. Warface development is going on as scheduled.
Q.: Will you add the tactical SED class back in ranked matches?
A.: We won’t add SED in season 23 as we decided to continue this experiment to evaluate your reaction, gather your feedback and forward the results to the developers.
Q.: Make it possible to start coop missons solo or duo!
A.: There is one solo PVE mission coming in 2020, however we cannot enable this feature for all current PVE rooms. 
Q.: Is there any ETA for the new interface?
A.: Sorry, currently there are no specific time frames other than “this year”.
Q.: Stop making Battle Passes web-based, make Battle Passes directly in-game - like some other games.
A.: An in-game Battle Pass is in the development roadmap for 2020.
Q.: When will be the new update with “Blackwood” SpecOp?
A.: Currently it’s scheduled for June.

That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:

See you in game!

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