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Warface FAQ #2

Categories: Blog
We continue posting the answers to the most burning questions you ask on our Social Media platforms. Here is the first article that might help you find the answers to the previously asked questions:
Let’s get started!
Q.: Will you remove “Capture” from the Ranked Games?
A.: As the feedback about “Capture” in the Ranked Games is mostly negative, we consider removing it. Please note that it will be possible only with the next maintenance or the new season of RM.
Q.: Please place the “Happy Hour” from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM UTC (8:00 PM to 10:00 PM BRT).
A.: Happy Hours were scheduled according to the stat analytics of the whole audience. They will not be adjusted to the needs of one certain community part.
Q.: Will you translate the game to any other languages?
A.: We do not plan on doing so.
Q.: Can you change the TOP GUN event so that we can complete any (PVE or PVP) task every day? Some days we feel like playing PVP and some days it’s PVE.
A.: Thank you for the feedback. We’ve changed the TOP GUN event in many ways already (like reducing the duration time, increasing the rewards from 1 weapons to 2, adding PVE as a way to complete the tasks). Currently, we’re not going to simplify the event even more as getting a weapon should imply some effort from your side too, and it should be a bit challenging.
Q.: Were the hitboxes changed?
A.: The characters’ hitboxes were never changed.
Q.: Can we get a 1 click option to clear all the notifications in the game? It's a pain to clear all the messages.
A.: This is something we’re aware of. We expect it to be introduced in the huge UI rework later this year.
That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:
See you in game!

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