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Warface FAQ

Categories: Blog
We receive a lot of feedback, questions and suggestions on our official social media channels and today we decided to make the answers to some of the burning questions available on our website. Let’s get started! 
Q.: I want to give my weapon to a friend. Will there be a gifting option?
A.: As it was mentioned many times before, we’re not going to introduce a weapon gifting system  in the game or  on the website. Also, we don’t plan to reintroduce the Kredits gifting. 
Q.: When is the next update?
A.: We do our best to keep releasing one update a month but the schedule may alter a bit due to internal reasons (like the remote work of all Warface staff due to the quarantine). Currently, the next update is being tested.
Q.: Allow us to exchange our Battle Pass resources for the cards in the new crafting system or it will be all for nothing.
A.: Even if these two processes have the same name, “crafting”, they are not the same mechanics. Website crafting is available as a part of Battle Passes, which allows players to get certain weapons for resources. The development team liked the concept and decided to make a similar feature in-game, which would provide all players with an additional way to obtain weapons. It has nothing to do with Battle Passes, so giving a head start to its owners wouldn’t be fair.
Q.: Will the “Gorgon” tasks change?
A.: As it’s stated in the dedicated FAQ, only “Challenges of the day” change.
Q.: Will you integrate Killcam into the game?
A.: We’re aware that it’s a long-awaited feature but it’s not in the Roadmap for 2020 and currently there is no information on whether it’s going to be implemented. 
Q.: Any ETA to implement the server tournament spectator mode on the live servers?
A.: Adding tournament spectator mode to the live servers is scheduled for one of the upcoming updates. Stay tuned!
Q.: Will you add a possibility to transfer items from "My items" to "Services"?
A.: Your suggestion likely implies making “My items” stuff available for sale in the Marketplace. We don’t plan to add such an option, since “Services” is a Battle Pass exclusive feature.
That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:
See you in game!

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