[UPD] New Seasonal In-game Activities
The mysterious and folklore filled seasonal update "Spirits" is already here and offers activities that light up the chilly autumn darkness. In this article, we’ll share what activities you’ll be able to participate in during the season, and what rewards are waiting for you. Just select the section that you want to learn more about.
Embrace the dark and creepy with the brand-new weapon series “Cursed” and “Bone” along with other thematic rewards that will be available through the BP progression and contracts. Moreover, now, you can get the basic BP access for 25,000 WF$ instead of 99 Kredits!
UPD: The "Spirits" Battle Pass will be active until December 5th 2023.
The Battle Pass offers several types of rewards:
- for the main progression (camos, weapon charms, permanent secondary weapons and achievements);
- for the additional progression (BP coins);
- for daily and class-specific contracts (a seasonal weapon box for the former, and BP coins and a cool class achievement for the latter);
- weapons and parts in the seasonal shop line-up.
More About the Rewards
This time around, the Battle Pass is filled with a horrifying power, inside you will find the "cursed" and "Bone" weapon series, thematic charms, as well as achievements. These series may look like they spawned straight out of a horror film. But those who dare pick up these spooky weapons will soon find out that the curse only befalls their enemies. Are you willing to put them to the test?
Series "Cursed"
The "Cursed" series’ eerie design will definitely bring a chilling aura to the battlefield. Decorated with various skeletal structures, moss and strange glowing fungi, this series is the whole spooky package. In it, you’ll find the PKM Zenit, Benelli M2 SP, M1911A1 Beretta PMX, Kalashnikov USA KHAOS, SVCh-54 OTs-48K MK2, Taurus CT9 G2 and Push Daggers.
Series "Bone"
The "Bone" series may look plain at first glance, but once you notice what those weapons were carved out, you can’t unsee it. In the series, you’ll find IWI Carmel, Kalashnikov USA Komrad 12, Gilboa Snake DBR, DVL-10 M2, Makarov Pistol and M48 Bowie Knife.
This season's shop line-up offers two types of rewards: parts that you can get of up to 10,000 pcs., and four excellent guns with mod slots from the "Cursed" series: PKM Zenit, Beretta PMX, Kalashnikov USA KHAOS, and SVCh-54. Instil true fear into your opponents on the battlefield!
Both temporary and permanent weapon versions can be obtained with coins in the shop. Parts are sold in batches.
To get permanent weapons, you would need to consequently purchase the preceding temporary versions: the ones for 3, 5, 7, and 9 days (costing 25/50/75/125 BP coins accordingly), the permanent version costs 175 coins, making the overall price for the permanent gun 450 BP coins.

[UPD] The "Spirits" prestige season will be active until December 5th 2023.
Prestige levels are additional levels (from the 101st to the 1000th) in the progression system that you can unlock as long as the seasonal activity is on. Progressing through the prestige levels is the same as with the regular levels: you play and gain XP for every battle. The only difference is that prestige levels require more XP and are reset each season.
Changes that took place this season:
- the list of level rewards has been updated: it now features golden versions of IWI Galil ACE Gen II, Sentry 12, Vigilance Rifles M20 and Kel-Tec RDB-C.

[UPD] The "Spirits" Ranked Matches season will be active until December 5th 2023.
Changes that took place this season:
- At the beginning of the season, players will now be assigned to leagues, taking into account their performance in the previous seasons. Players will be spread more evenly across the leagues, which will ensure a more balanced gameplay experience;
- The shop now has a "New" tag;
- New special contracts have been added, by completing them you can get the Dragon Soul Charm, a set of achievements and up to 600 parts. You’ll be able to access these contracts by a simple click of a button in the tab.
- Even if you didn't make it to the top of the current season, players can now see their personal rating in the leaderboard;
- The seasonal shop now offers new items, including the exclusive “Nord” gear sets.
Quick reminder: the ranked currency for the seasonal shop does not expire and will be transferred to the next season.
Have a good game!