Now in game: Battle Pass "Spirits"
A new Battle Pass as part of the new season "Spirits" is now available in Warface! New weapons of the “Cursed” and “Bone” series and other thematic rewards for the BP progression and BP contracts are waiting for you. Moreover, now, you can get the basic BP access for 25,000 WF$ instead of 99 Kredits.
Main Battle Pass Rewards
The guns of the "Cursed" series may look like they spawned straight out of a horror film. But those who dare pick up these spooky weapons will soon find out that the curse befalls just their enemies. With these guns, you'll certainly be a sight to behold and to beware! Four thematic weapons of the series will be available in the Battle Pass store: PKM Zenit, Beretta PMX, Kalashnikov USA KHAOS, and SVCh-54. These guns will definitely raise your spirits in the battles!
PKM Zenit
This weapon is based on a well-known Soviet PKM by Kalashnikov, with the addition of a modern upgrade set produced by the Russian Zenit company. This doesn't affect the internal mechanisms but greatly improves the usability of the aged design.
The first of the weapon’s available mods reduces recoil and improves accuracy when not moving. The second increases reload speed and rate of fire, while reducing magazine capacity, damage and recoil.
Beretta PMX
The Beretta PMX submachine gun was designed by the Italian company Beretta in 2017 to replace its previous model M12 in law enforcement units. This lightweight yet reliable weapon is armed with vast usage of composite and alloy materials. Like the SIG MPX Copperhead, the Beretta PMX has a double-wield version and modifications.
You can install mods on it. The first one increases ammo and reload speed (for the double-wield version). The other increases damage and range, but reduces the rate of fire (for the single-wield version).
Kalashnikov USA KHAOS
The Kalashnikov USA KHAOS uses a gas-operation system, it offers a better rate of fire, as well as the weapon changing and reloading speeds, compared to the nearest competitors in the medic’s arsenal. The model is available in gold as well, it offers better damage and fire rate.
The unique "Jury-Rigged" mod switches the weapon’s firing mode into bursts-of-2, increases accuracy, yet decreases its damage and range. The other unique mod—"Trick Shot"—significantly increases the gun’s accuracy in jumping and adds extra movement speed.
The SVCh-54 is a sniper rifle also developed by the Kalashnikov company, designed for middle and close combat. Its unique construction allows for less recoil while keeping the rifle's good damage and fire rate. The scope can switch between different zoom levels.
You can also install mods on it – one increases the magazine capacity of the SVCh-54, the other increases its damage to the extremities at the price of heavier recoil and less RPM.
Parts in the Shop
In the new Battle Pass, you can earn up to 10,000 parts to purchase and upgrade mods. You can get them in the Battle Pass store.
Daily Quests
The daily quest limits will be updated on Wednesday now.
BP Progression
Progression levels remain unchanged. The basic progression chain consists of 25 levels, the additional one consists of 175 (200 levels in total).
As for progression rewards, the system remains familiar: for the main levels, you'll receive achievements, charms, skins and four additional weapons, for additional levels - coins for purchases in the Battle Pass store.
New achievements
New charms



Skull Totem

Hexed Snake

Warlock Gem
Weapons and skins
See the table of all progression rewards in the spoiler.
Class-Specific Contracts
At level 15 of the Battle Pass, 4 class-specific contracts will become available for the premium access owners. Complete them to earn enough BP coins to purchase all items from the Battle Pass store and get 4 unique achievements!
The rest of the Battle Pass mechanics remained the same. In order to get all the guns, it will be enough for you to complete 4 class-specific contracts. You'll earn BP XP and complete contracts at the same time, so if you play actively, you'll be able to claim all the guns, as well as accumulate enough coins to purchase parts!
See you in the game!