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PvE Rework

Categories: Dev News


PvE is a classic mode in Warface. The old SpecOps and PvEs you're familiar with, no longer provide a challenge for skilled players, and their current rewards are outdated. So, we’ve updated the system while keeping the core mechanics untouched. For now, a limited number of PvE missions and SOs with the new mechanics are available to play – it’s very important that we test out the changes and iron out the kinks. Other special operations will be available on Easy. So don’t forget to leave your feedback on our social media platforms!!

Seasons and Grades

One of the major changes in the new PvE is seasonality – similar to that in RM and Battle Passes. Now, the players can complete PvE missions and special operations and get Crowns and a corresponding amount of PvE points. As you already know, the crafting system has been disabled and the crafting cards will no longer be awarded for completing PvE matches. The points will allow the players to unlock items in the PvE store by climbing up the PvE grades.

PvE points go towards the player’s PvE grade, and the grade is set to 1 each season. The player will get the same amount of PvE points as the sum of Crowns awarded for a mission/SO. Each grade requires a certain amount of points to be reached, there’s no limit to the highest possible grade.

What does it do?

Your grade allows you to unlock certain rewards in the seasonal PvE shop. The items in the shop can be bought for Crowns, and each season the rewards are reset.

What kind of rewards will be in the PvE shop?

The shop will offer different kinds of rewards that are unlocked progressively as the player climbs the PvE grades:

  • Regular one-time offers (a knife, a pistol).
  • Chain rewards: these are items that require the player to first buy a weapon’s temporary version in order to get the permanent version (similar to the Battle Pass store). The whole chain is unlocked once the rank requirement is met.
  • One-time offers with a limit:
    • these include parts;
    • by reaching a certain grade, the player can buy 1 parts pack;
    • if the player chooses to not buy it as soon as it’s available and goes further up the grades, they can unlock another one of these packs. So, each milestone unlocks a new pack of parts.

Shop Interface

For a better experience with the updated shop, the interface has also been changed slightly.

PvE Rewards

Throughout the season, a line-up of special operations will be available to the players. Since the pool of available SOs got narrower, the rewards will be adjusted to match. The SpecOps Pripyat, Cyber Horde and Black Shark are available in Quick Play and Custom Rooms on all difficulties. Earth Shaker, Anubis, Icebreaker, Blackout, and Sunrise are available in Quick Play and Custom Rooms on Easy difficulty.

Note, that, by the first update, only some of the missions and special operations have been reworked in the updated PvE system. More maps will be included as we receive your feedback, test and tweak the parameters.

PvE and SO Rewards Re-adjustment

In the old system, the ratio between the rewards in regular PvE and SOs wasn’t optimal. Almost all the rewards could’ve been obtained through special operations, so it made sense to recalibrate them in order to make regular PvE a viable option to farm Crowns.

Here’s how we’ve recalculated it:

  • The maximum weekly gains became higher to compensate for a smaller pool of available PvE missions and SOs, as well as their adjusted difficulty. Throughout the season, the player can potentially earn up to 150 000 Crowns, while in the old system the sum was closer to 120 000 Crowns.
  • A player tackling PvE on Easy should be able to gain enough Crowns in a season to buy a single weapon (around 10 000 Crowns);
  • Playing PvE on Normal should give enough Crowns in a season to buy four weapons (around 40 000 Crowns);
  • A player who plays on Hard should be able to gain enough Crowns to buy out the entire base line-up in the seasonal PvE store (around 100 000 Crowns);
  • Truly hardcore players who play every PvE mission and SO on every difficulty level should be able to spend it all in the seasonal PvE store.

Check out the tables in spoilers for a more detailed look at the rewards.

Regular PvE rewards
Difficulty Crown rewards in old PvE Crown rewards in updated PvE
Easy 24 50
Normal 56 100
Hard 120 200
Special Operations Rewards
Difficulty Crown rewards in old PvE Crown rewards in updated PvE
Pripyat (Easy) 120 150
Pripyat (Normal) 200 600
Pripyat (Hard) 320 2400
Cyber Horde (Easy) 90 150
Cyber Horde (Normal) 140 600
Cyber Horde (Hard) 160 2400
Black Shark (Easy) 120 150
Black Shark (Normal) 200 600
Black Shark (Hard) 320 2400

Those special operations, that are only available on the Easy difficulty, will provide 150 Crowns for completing them.

SO Rewards

The frequency with which the rewards for the special operations are updated has been changed. In the previous system, they reset daily. Now, you can play regular PvE daily as before and get rewards every day, while the rewards for the special operations will update once every week.

Dev comment: The Crown rewards in special operations will be updated weekly instead of daily to ease the pressure off the players who play to get the most out of the PvE rewards. “Pripyat”, “Cyber Horde”, and “Black Shark” on Hard mode are tough, let’s see what the players will say.

Will the amount of player XP and WF$ for completing PvE missions and SOs remain the same?

The amount of XP and WF$ for completing the PvE missions and SOs has been readjusted. Individually, each completion will give the player more experience and currency, especially the Normal and the Hard modes.

Will the rate at which I can upgrade the weapons' mastery stay the same?

The rates at which the players are able to upgrade their weapons’ mastery in PvE and SpecOps has been changed. Just like with the XP and WF$, more Mastery points can be gained by playing a more difficult mode.

Difficulty Levels Update

The PvE rework also touches up on the difficulty of the available missions and special operations. The Easy mode remains relatively unchanged, while the Normal and Hard modes became more pronounced. In the Normal mode, you can still win with randomly selected players and regular gear, but the Hard mode is now a true test of one’s skill and their ability to make an efficient team. Because it’s a multiple step process, further PvE missions and SOs will be available later as we unroll the changes to their difficulty as well.

As mentioned above, the reworked missions and special operations offer better rewards! The Normal mode will provide more XP, WF$, PvE points, and Crowns, and beating the Hard mode will reward the team even better.

[UPD] Resurrection Coins and Friendly Fire

One of the ways to up the difficulty of a mission is limiting the use of resurrection coins and allowing friendly fire. This is what it looks like in the reworked PvE system:

FF and Resurrection coins in PvE and SpecOps
Difficulty Regular PvE Pripyat Cyber Horde Black Shark
  • Limitless resurrection coins
  • No FF
  • Limitless resurrection coins
  • No FF
  • Limitless resurrection coins
  • No FF
  • Limitless resurrection coins
  • No FF
  • Limitless resurrection coins
  • No FF
  • 5 resurrection coins
  • No FF
  • 5 resurrection coins
  • No FF
  • 5 resurrection coins
  • No FF
  • Limitless resurrection coins
  • Enabled FF
  • 3 resurrection coins
  • Enabled FF
  • 3 resurrection coins
  • Enabled FF
  • 3 resurrection coins
  • Enabled FF

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