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NY Cashback Delivery is Over

Categories: Offers


The New Year Cashback offer is over. Kredits have been granted to the participants' game accounts. If you took part in the promotion, check your balance.

If you haven't got the expected amount of Kredits, please double-check the sum you should have received. And if you are sure that you got the wrong amount of Kredits, please contact our support. We will try to respond as soon as possible.


  • I've got my Kredits back, but the items I planned to buy with them were removed from the game store. Why?

The game shop line-up is updated almost daily. The items do not have specific sales dates and can be removed from the shop at any time. They can also return at any time. Kredits received in the cashback offer do not expire, you do not have to spend them right now, you can wait until the desired items are back in stock. Or maybe you decide to spend the funds on something else - the choice is yours.

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