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New Year Cashback — 1st stage has begun!

Categories: Offers


The main winter offer is back again! This year you will get a maximum benefit of more than 300% Kredits, and if you fulfill all the conditions, you can get more than 10,000 Kredits back! Intrigued? Read on to learn the details!

The first stage is already live and will be active till 20:59 UTC (21:59 CET) on December 7th!

Offer Page


  • You are in for 9 stages of the offer. Each one includes conditions for spending and topping up. If you complete both of them, you will recieve an additional reward and increase the maximum cashback threshold. New stages will start at 21:00 UTC (22:00 CET).
  • Maximum cashback is more than 300% or more than 10 000 Kredits that will return to your account. To get the maximum profit, you will need to complete all conditions (both topping up and making purchases) and don't skip stages.
  • The offer has additional rewards: for meeting both conditions during a stage and for finishing a certain number of stages (from 3 to 6). In the first case, you will be able to see your bonus on the stage's card. In the second case, your total cashback can be increased up to 4000 Kredits. All rewards are granted automatically, and you can check the overall cashback in the "your CashBack" section.
  • The surpluses of topping up are automatically transferred to new stages. For example, you can make a significant top-up at the start of the offer, and don't worry about the following stages — your payment will be automatically allocated according to the stage's conditions.
  • The surpluses of spending are not transferred. Be careful and keep an eye on the start of new stages, and only then spend your Kredits.

How does the offer work?

Let's look at an example of how the "New Year CashBack" works. On the offer page, you'll find 9 cards that correspond to the number of stages. Each card contains the conditions for completing the stage. There are always two conditions in each stage: topping up and spending. Fulfilling both of them is optional (in this case the stage will be partially completed).

  • You need to spend / top up: stage conditions. This is what you need to do. Please note: this is not the amount that will return to your account as cashback.
  • Cashback for spending / topping up: bonus for both conditions. These are the Kredits that will return to your account as cashback after fulfilling the stage conditions.

In addition, after completing stages 3 to 6, you will be able to receive an additional bonus. Its size will increase with the number of stages you completed. The maximum bonus is 4000 Kredits. You can track your progress on a special scale.

There is also a separate section where the amount that will return to your account in January is displayed. It takes into account all the fulfilled conditions and additional rewards that you received.

Please Note
  • Top up your account only with new payments from a special page. You can only spend Kredits from your game account.
  • Purchasing special sets on the top-up page (in the "Sets" tab) is also counted in the top-up condition of the offer.
  • There is no precise schedule for the stages' duration, so keep an eye on the news and the offer page.
  • If you fully complete from 3 to 6 stages, you can earn up to 4000 Kredits as your total cashback. Please note that the scale indicates the total bonus for the stages and not for each stage separately.
  • The information on the page usually takes up to 30 minutes to be updated and can take more in case of high loads and at night time.
  • The entire accumulated bonus will return to your game account no later than January 4th, 2023. You will receive your Kredits on your game account.

Q: Will I receive 4000 Kredits for 6 completed stages?
A: Correct. Please note that this is the maximum amount for the completed stages, and not the bonus for the 6th stage.

Q: Do bonus Kredits from other top-up offers count?
A: In case of top-ups, no, they don't. They count only for purchases.

Q: Can I buy everything I want to progress in the offer?
A: No. Only purchases made in the in-game store, the purchase of the Battle Pass access, its levels and the purchase of mastery levels for items in the modification system count in the offer. Updating the list of daily quests in the Battle Pass for Kredits, skipping daily quests, contract stages or contracts for Kredits, purchases in the seasonal Battle Pass store, spendings on the website and purchases on the Marketplace, exchanging crafting cards for Kredits, buying Black Market Coins and unlocking contracts for Kredits don't count towards the offer progress.

Q: Do I need to complete all the stages?
A: No, but then you will not get the maximal cashback. If you want to get the maximum benefit, you need to fully complete all conditions of each stage. The fewer stages you fulfil, and the more conditions you do not meet, the less bonus you will get

Q: How long will the offer last?
A: The offer will be live until 20:59 UTC (21:59 CET) on the 31st of December.

Q: Will I receive my Kredits on the 1st of January?
A: Not likely, our system needs to process all data, and we need to check all payments. We plan to give Kredits back to the offer participants till the 4th of January 2022.

Q: How long do I need to wait for the offer progress to update? There are 30 minutes left until the end of the stage, and my progress is not yet accounted for!
A: During business hours, the data is updated within 5 to 30 minutes, at night it can take up to 60 minutes. We recommend that you take this into account and not wait until the last moment to participate. The system will try to take into account your progress as soon as possible, but if there is an incident (for example, if the bank through which you make a payment sends it with a delay), the funds can be taken into account later.

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