Christmas Fragmovies Contest
Categories: General
11 Dec 2019 02:55 PM UTC
2019 is coming to an end leaving behind many victories and defeats. It’s time to share your best moments of the year in Warface and get valuable rewards including permanent and temporary weapons and boosters!
How to participate?
- Create a fragmovie with a small intro which will include your in-game name and a phrase "Merry Christmas Warface";
- Upload it on YouTube and link in the special Forum thread before 23:59 UTC on the 8th of January;
Prize Pool
- 1st place: One “Icebreaker” weapon of choice.
- 2nd - 3rd places: One “Black Shark” weapon of choice.
- 4th – 6th places: VIP Booster (30 days) and “Poltergeist” Maxim 9 (30 days).
- Your entry shouldn’t be posted anywhere before and should be created by you, both frags and the montage;
- You can submit up to 3 videos;
- Your contribution should not violate any community rules, should not be offensive or contain obscene language.