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Cool weapons for purchasing Kredits [UPD]

Categories: General


Do you want to play with cool rare weapons? With our new offer you can!

Just top up your account on a special page with the amount specified in the table below, and the powerful guns will be yours! 

Buy Kredits

The offer will end on October the 20th at 20:59 UTC (22:59 CEST).

You purchase

You receive

A pack of 300 Kredits

300 permanent "Urban Warfare" Benelli M4 Super 90 and Barrett M107

A pack of 500 Kredits

500 + permanent "Urban Warfare" XM8 Compact and FN SCAR-H

A pack of 1000 Kredits

1000 + permanent "Winter Camo" M4A1* and VSS Vintorez

Conditions of the offer

  • The bonus can be received only once when purchasing the fixed packs of 300/500/1000 Kredits from a special page.
  • After paying for a fixed pack, you will receive both Kredits and the weapons, specified in the table above.
  • The bonus for each pack of Kredits can be received only once throughout the duration of the offer.
  • For purchasing three specified packs the player can receive six permanent guns.
  • After your purchase the items will appear in "My Items" section of the website.

*It turned out that we were trying to provide an item that was broken in the game files and could not be delivered into the game. We have changed the item now, and it is the same gun, but in a different skin. Thank you for your understanding!


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