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Soon in game - New movement and synchronization system

Categories: General


Without a doubt you have been looking forward to the revamped movement system that will appear on Warface servers with the next update. Learn more about the improvement of this important game aspect!


Movement is a key game mechanics in shooters, especially in online shooters, where movements of numerous players are simultaneously processed in real time. Synchronic change of players’ positions is of utmost importance. The movement system must ensure that they are equally simulated for all players due to the constant interchange of data between the game client and the server.

First, we would like to tell you about the previous system. The client used to send the player's coordinates, their position on the map and the vector of movement to the server that carried out the corresponding calculations and sort of "predicted" further movements of the player. Other players could see the results of these calculations. However, in some cases the image simulated and the real position of the player did not match.

It took us quite a while to finish the new system since it is great and complex. During the preparation phase it was impossible to foresee some minor difficulties that developers faced at later stages. Almost all key game mechanics were involved. Some of them required additional testing while others were created from the scratch.

Now the position of every player will be the same for all players in the game!

The new movement system generates a set of commands which are equally simulated on the client and the server side, giving an absolutely identical simulation result. So there is no problem with position gaps.

To make the new algorithms work we had to introduce big changes to the client-server interaction. In particular, the delay of data transmission between the client and the server has been reduced. Significant changes have also been introduced to the processing of the player’s physics. Now its simulation results are equal on the server and the client which improves damage registration.

Experienced players have tested the reworked movement system and checked all the known "teleport" and damage registration issues.

The improved movement system will bring the gameplay to an absolutely new level. It will also allow our level designers to create more complex geometry which before was impossible to implement.

The new movement system is expected to come in the next update.

We hope you will appreciate the changes!

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