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Mighty shop update

Categories: Offers


What a time to be alive! Since your guns are still twitching for action, we've decided to bring some more power to your corner - mighty weapons await their masters.

Direct sale features Golden ACR till the 18th of February, while Random Kredit Boxes may yield FN FAL DSA-58, USAS-12, AS50 and Tavor CTAR-12 till the 28th of February.

Golden ACR

Suited for combat at any range and under any circumstances, ACR possesses competitive qualities, easily surpassing its peers. Superb rate of fire and accuracy – especially if not fired off the hip – make it an ultimate tool for riflemen that prefer to be fast, exact and as a result – unstoppable. Besides, you can outfit the rifle in any way you wish with the vast range of modules: from barrel extensions to scopes and handles, thanks to the Picatinny rail.


FN FAL comes equipped with a unique tactical grip, DSA-58. This is a considerable improvement in terms of handling the weapon, drastically increasing the accuracy when fired from the hip. Custom high-powered ammunitions allow it to deal increase damage to arms and legs in the game, as well as granting it improved damage at greater distances.


As a combat shotgun, USAS-12 is designed to mercilessly dispatch any enemy in the path of its user - provided that they get close enough. While not as rapid-firing as the Vepr, it is far more potent and accurate, and yet retains its speed. Not to mention, it outranges many other shotguns. On top of these specs, it comes with a large mag and carries plenty of ammo, making it a prime weapon for Medics that like unorthodox, bold strategy.


AS50 is a "best of two worlds" from the bolt-action and semi-automatic rifles. Whereas other sniper rifles either emphasize on damage or speed, AS50 chooses to combine the two benefits into a fine mix. Its damage is at the highest mark in the game, and the rifle is capable of firing subsequent shots fairly speedily as well. Ejection sequence is brief but automatic, thus AS50 feels like a bolt-action sniper rifle, stripped of the need to do the actual bolt action. 

Tavor CTAR-12

This compact SMG features an incredibly potent rate of fire for its damage, while the design reduces the kickback to a bare minimum. Essentially, its forward and upper rails allow for plenty of modifications to be installed – adjust the weapon to fit your playstyle. It’s necessary to point out the effective range that lives up to some of the Rifleman’s arsenal – a strong feat by itself, considering SMGs are meant to be effective at much lower ranges.

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