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Armory reloaded: watch these six

Categories: Offers


The store was reloaded. Six guns are here to stay till the 25th of February.

Note that LWRC SMG-45 and AX308 can be found in Random Kredit Boxes, while M16A3, Fabarm XLR5 Prestige, SCAR-L PDW and M14 Crazy Horse are available via direct purchase. LWRC SMG-45 is also the resident of Random Crown Boxes.

Flag time: we've also added 16 new flags to the corresponding section of the store!


In terms of combat specs, LWRC SMG-45 is a hulkier version of the UMP. It can dish out the highest damage of all Engineer primaries and is capable of killing with a single shot to the head. To offset this strength, we’ve given it a lower rate of fire, harsher recoil and restricted its effective range.


Just like its real life counterpart, AX308 does not mess around. The rifle seems an absolute ace in several criteria: highest damage, one of the highest penetration and range values, superb rate of fire and lastly, undisputed accuracy. Having said that, as a heavy sniper rifle, it does have considerably high recoil that takes some getting used to. 


M16A3 is considered one of the classic high-tier performers: superb damage and effective range is an altogether powerful combination. The accuracy – as with any top-tier AR – remains unparalleled in the aiming mode, however M16A3 also retains a decent share of its accuracy when fired from the hip, without aiming down the sights. 

Fabarm XLR5 Prestige

Fabarm XLR5 Prestige does not only have amazing fire power capabilities but also a cool visual design. Produced by the Fabarm weapons company, it is an extremely versatile weapon that can be used for different situations such as hunting, self-defense, and offense.


SCAR-L PDW is a champion of its era, designed to emphasize on the qualities associated with the Engineer class: deadliness in close quarters and high reload speed. This PDW scores higher in damage than many assault rifles, and compared to other Engineer weapons – SMG’s and PDW’s – it’s not as heavily offset in effective range. 

M14 Crazy Horse

M14 Crazy Horse sports the highest damage value for all semi-automatic sniper rifles in the game. That makes it incredibly potent when facing multiple enemies, as it allows you to land consecutive shots on the same, or choose a different target entirely right away. Design improvements have drastically reduced its recoil, making it also easier to operate.

These guns will no doubt have your back!

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