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Update - 03.08.2023

Categories: Patch Notes


In this update, we've fixed a number of bugs, improved the bomb timer, as well as the way the accuracy of the weapons is displayed, and reworked the crafting system.

Previous Version

Game Improvements


  • Now, the timer will be showing deciseconds before the bomb explodes.

Dev comment: "We've listened to the player's feedback regarding the bomb timer and agreed, that a more precise indication of the time left before the explosion would benefit the players in assessing the situation and to mitigate the issue of grabbing a bomb and having it explode in your hands. At first, we've added milliseconds, but it turned out to be too bulky for the UI, so we changed that to tenths of a second."

  • The accuracy calculations for weapons with and without attachments have been improved, now the players will see correct stats regardless of the attachment they've installed.

Content Changes

Weapons and gear

  • M84: reduced the blinding effect of the grenade when it explodes behind the player's back or nearby (the blinding radius has been reduced by 0,5 m).

PvE and SpecOps

  • Now, all eliminations in close combat (not just with the knives) will be counted in the contracts, PvE tasks, and achievements. The changes apply only to the tasks that required the player to kill an opponent with a melee weapon in close combat.


  • Removed ways to get new crafting cards and started giving away crafting items. You can learn more about the changes in a dedicated article.

Bug Fixes

Weapons and Gear

  • Typhoon F12: fixed a bug, due to which the characteristics of the unique grip of the golden and skinned versions didn't match those of the regular version.


  • Player Profile: fixed a visual bug, due to which the players with no Ranked history would still see a button to open a drop-down "Ranked Seasons" window.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which in some cases the weapons in the spectator mode were displayed incorrectly.

See you in the game!

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