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Update - 25.07.2023

Categories: Patch Notes


In this hotfix we've made adjustments to some mods and fixed a number of bugs.

Previous Version

Content Changes

Weapons and Gear

  • Frag grenade:
    • "Double grenades": the damage debuff has been reduced, from 85 to 20 damage points being subtracted. Now, a precise throw of two grenades one after another will deal 550 points of damage.
  • Molotov:
    • The burn duration of the device has been reduced from 4.7s to 4.5s;
    • The flames' animation now better match the Molotov's effective duration.
  • Ammo box: the "Instant Reload" perk is now combinable with the perk that allows to have more ammo.


  • "Expedition" event: added thematic achievements to the event store.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug due to which the items transferred through the Services or acquired through a contract would not immediately appear in the in-game inventory.

Weapons and Gear

  • Relic Beretta PMX SMG: fixed the incorrect range value.
  • M1911A1 (all versions): fixed a bug, due to which the passive weapon progression worked incorrectly.
  • Sidewinder Venom ("Anubis" and "Carbon"): fixed a bug, due to it was impossible to install grips onto the models.
  • Relic Kalashnikov USA KHAOS: fixed incorrect sounds.
  • Beretta PMX (dual-wield version): added missing sounds to various actions with the weapon.
  • Fixed a bug due to which perks that increased RPM would sometimes show incorrect buff/debuff stats, when the numbers were small.


  • "Cargo interception": fixed a bug, due to which matches played on the event maps would not count towards the contract's task completion.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the player could sometimes see multiple copies of the same reward notifications.

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