Now in game: Battle Pass "Treasure Hunters"
A new Battle Pass as part of the new season "Treasure Hunters" is now available in Warface! It brings some changes to the daily quest mechanic and the progression, new contracts for brand-new weapon series "Deep" and "Abyss".
Main Battle Pass Rewards
Four excellent guns of the "Abyss" series are available in the Battle Pass store: HK433, Taurus CT9 G2, Kalashnikov USA KHAOS, and OTs-48. Show your opponents that you have no equal from the pits of the ocean all the way to the battlefield!
The HK433 is a German modular assault rifle fit for 5.56x45 bullets. It has a number of characteristics similar to the G36 and the HK416. It offers a good combination of specs: high base and minimal damage, high fire rate and accuracy, as well as increased damage multipliers to the head and the extremities. The rifle has a number of unique attachments, including a hybrid sight. The golden version offers better fire rate and a more spacious magazine.
You can install mods on it, unique ones included. The first one increases reload speed by swapping the magazine to a smaller one, and you can unlock it on the second mastery level. The second mod changes the firing mode to bursts-of-3 and boosts damage, whereas the fire rate gets reduced, and the recoil – increased.
Taurus CT9 G2
The Taurus CT9 G2 carbine is distributed together with a number of unique attachments. The gun’s good damage, range, and fire rate, as well as increased damage multipliers to the head and the limbs, are balanced out by a modest magazine capacity of only 24 bullets. The golden version has a higher fire rate and a bigger magazine.
The first of the weapon’s available mods expands its magazine. The other changes the fire mode to burst-of-3, increases the damage by 15 points and accuracy by 25%, while reducing the fire rate by 10%.
Kalashnikov USA KHAOS
The Kalashnikov USA KHAOS uses a gas-operation system, it offers a better rate of fire, as well as the weapon changing and reloading speeds, compared to the nearest competitors in the medic’s arsenal. The model is available in gold as well, it offers better damage and fire rate.
The unique "Jury-Rigged" mod switches the weapon’s firing mode into bursts-of-2, increases accuracy, yet decreases its damage and range. The other unique mod—"Trick Shot"—significantly increases the gun’s accuracy in jumping and adds extra movement speed.
OTs-48K MK2
The OTs-48K MK2 is a Russian sniper rifle developed in the late 90s for special forces soldiers. Compared to its competitors, the OTs-48 MK2 stands out for its high damage, increased body and limbs damage multiplier, and good firing range. The golden weapon version has a more spacious magazine.
The first of the two mods increases the weapon change speed and crosshair stability, while the second increases the dash speed, set off by reduced rate of fire.
Parts in the Shop
In the Battle Pass, you have a chance to earn up to 10,000 parts to purchase and upgrade mods. You can get them in the Battle Pass store.
Daily Quests
The way the daily quests work changed. Now there is a weekly limit on how many quests the player can take up, namely up to 10 active tasks. The quest slots are available until this limit is reached. That means that the player can complete all 10 of the quests in one day and wait for the next week to reset the limit, or spread out the tasks throughout the week. The limit will be updated every Thursday.
BP Rewards Multiplier
The match result display was reworked in the new Battle Pass. The player will see, by what percentage their XP is boosted and the sum of all XP they got.
BP Progression
The Battle Pass progression will be extended to accommodate the extra XP the player will be getting through daily quests:
- The XP needed to complete the main progression is be raised from 27 525 to 33 035.
- The XP needed to complete a class contract is be raised from 21 000 to 29 250.
- The XP needed to go through an additional BP level is be raised from 2000 to 2500.
As in the previous BP, there are 25 basic progression levels and 175 additional ones, totalling in 200 BP levels. As for progression rewards, the system remains familiar: for the main levels, you'll receive achievements, charms, skins and two additional weapons (a cleaver and a pistol), for additional levels - coins for purchases in the Battle Pass store.
New achievements
New charms

Sea Scope


Old Compass

Skull Talisman

Weapons and skins
See the table of all progression rewards in the spoiler.
Class-Specific Contracts
Four class specific contracts will become available at the 15th level of the battle pass to the premium access owners. Complete them to earn BP coins to spend in the store and get 4 unique class achievements!
The rest of the Battle Pass mechanics remained the same. In order to get all the guns, it will be enough for you to complete 4 class-specific contracts. You'll earn BP XP and complete contracts at the same time, so if you play actively, you'll be able to claim all the guns, as well as accumulate enough coins to purchase parts!
See you in the game!