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Warface Day Event "Challenge" Now in Game!

Categories: Events


A festive event "Challenge" is already live! You are in for the Team Gun Game mode, a new device "Adrenaline" for Riflemen, a new weapon series "Crater" and more. Read on to learn the details. And happy Warface Day!

About the Event

We'd like to present to you a festive in-game event "Challenge" with lots of rewards you can get for participating. Before rushing into battle, you'll have to choose which side to fight on — Warface or Blackwood. Choose wisely as it'll affect the rewards you'll get in the end. After making the decision, try and earn as many points for the chosen team and do your best, together, to get the unique rewards!

  • All the event participants that choose a side will receive a melee weapon as a reward. Which one and in what colour scheme depends on the final event winner. So, if Warface achieves victory in the event, everyone will get a weapon with its symbols even if you chose to fight for Blackwood.
  • The members of the winning team will also get a unique victory achievement.
  • For a certain contribution to the faction progress, the player will be able to receive additional achievements.
  • PvE players will be able to earn the event currency and faction points by playing the Special Operations "Earth Shaker", "Operation Blackwood", "Heist" and "Hydra". The event currency is granted only for the first successful mission completion of the day in Quick Play (you can get up to three rewards in total for "Earth Shaker" — 60, 90 and 130 black market coins for the victories on "Easy", "Normal" and "Hard"). You will get faction points for all matches.

PvP Mode "Gun Game"

Like in the previous events, you have to go through a chain of weapon models and score the maximum number of team points for eliminating opponents. The maps of the mode have dynamic respawn points. After death, the character respawns in a random place near allies and is invulnerable for a short time.

The fight in the mode goes on an equal footing. All players have the same equipment, go through the same chain of weapons and start with the same guns. You need to make two eliminations to move to a new stage and to automatically get a new weapon.

What's new in the Team Gun Game mode?

  • The mode now includes the "Hangar", "Gas Station", and "Destination" maps.
  • The "Destination" map has got visual changes to fit the Warface Day stylistic. You'll see festive decorations such as screens with screenshots of important game moments, balloons, and a ton of Easter eggs that the oldies of Warface will surely appreciate.
  • Battles finish when a team scores 200 points (used to be 150) or when the timer ends if 200 points are not scored.
  • Eliminating an enemy with the last weapon of the chain will yield 10 points instead of 1, which will help the most skilled players to bring their team closer to victory.
  • Now users will see the next weapon in the chain. It'll help come up with tactics and plan your movements ahead.

"Destination" (Warface Day)

On the map "Destination" (Warface Day), the teams will fight against the festive background of the themed map. Every corner of the map is decorated with bright colours, balloons and many different decorations, reminiscent of Warface Day.

But despite the fact that the map is saturated with the celebratory atmosphere, players should not relax. They must constantly remain alert, ready for any challenge. Players will be able to discover many Easter eggs that add a special flavour to the map and add a pinch of nostalgia. Can you find them all?

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Event Rewards

Faction Victory Rewards

In the event, you will have to choose one of the two opposing factions: Warface or Blackwood.

At the end of the event, you will receive the weapon of the winning side regardless of the chosen faction. It'll be either the Crater Hunting Knife or the Crater Survival Machete. Keep track of the confrontation progress to increase the pressure and get the coveted reward!

"Crater" Weapon Series

The weapon series "Crater" is inspired by the Special Operation "Earth Shaker" and Warface Day. Each item carries the number 11 as a symbol of the 11th anniversary of the project. In addition, the whole series is decorated with elegant and stylish patterns.

But the external qualities of "Crater" weapons are not their only advantage. The series includes the SA Hellion, Benelli M2 SP, Taurus CT9 G2 and the Kel-Tec RDB-C. They're a perfect choice if you are looking for weapons that will also be effective in combat.

Charms and Achievements

At the end of the event, all participants will be rewarded with achievements of their faction. If the faction you selected wins, the participants who fought for this party will receive a unique victory achievement. Be on top and prove that you are a real hero!


A new device for the Rifleman called "Adrenaline" has been added to the game. It can be obtained in the event store. By using it, the character immediately restores 75 HP and continues healing themselves for the next 2 seconds. With mods, you can extend its effect duration and get additional bonuses:

  • Increased accuracy, reload and weapon switching speeds, but slower character movement.
  • Increased movement speed and stamina, but less protection against incoming damage.
  • Increased protection against incoming damage, but no HP regeneration (with most equipment).
  • +1 "Adrenaline" syringe.

To make it easier to activate the device, you can use a dedicated button. By default, it is set to the "I" or the "O" keys. You can independently configure the use of "Adrenaline" to any other button in the settings. Using the quick-access button, you can quickly activate the device and automatically switch to the main weapon.

We plan to add "Adrenaline" to Ranked Matches, but before that happens, we need to make sure everything works as intended and the new item does not ruin the game balance. Therefore, we'll announce its being added to RM later.

Updated Showcase and Its Progress Bar

A further novelty of this season is an updated showcase that now features a reward progress bar.

How does it work?

  • Use a special button to refresh the items in the showcase. The button is activated with the event currency.
  • The showcase is automatically updated every day.
  • Each refresh activation adds to the progress bar.
  • When 100% is reached, you'll get an exclusive offer to get one of four valuable items for free.
  • After making your choice, the other items become no longer available, the progress bar resets, and you can fill it up again and reach a new offer.
  • The amount of offers in unlimited.
  • The items for special offers are chosen randomly and may repeat.

What are the event rewards?

  • In the showcase, under the first card, you'll always get items that you can take for free. Among such items are cards for the new "Crater" series and parts. Under the other cards, you'll find content from the previous updates. The price reduction varies and can reach 40%, all items can be purchased for the event currency.
  • To get weapons of the "Crater" series, you need 1,200 cards of the model that you are interested in.

If you don't have time to accumulate the required amount of the event currency, there is an opportunity to purchase it. Packs of 300, 800, 2,200 or 5,000 black market coins are available in the event store to help you get the coveted new articles.

Once the event is over, all black market coins will expire. Don't forget to spend your savings!

Event Contracts

Now each contract is not only an opportunity to earn the event currency to obtain a variety of rewards, but also a tool for helping your team to collect faction points. Join the combat and get well-deserved rewards!

The event has already started. Rush into battle and share your impressions. See you in Warface!

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