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"My Items" will be Closed on April 17

Categories: Important


Previously, we notified you about the upcoming deactivation of the "My Items" section on the site and warned about the necessity of transferring the items to the game. Do this if you have valuable articles left!

"My Items" will be deactivated at 09:00 GMT (11:00 CEST) on April 17!

What can I do now?

Check your remaining articles in "My Items" and transfer every item you might need to the game. This is important because after 09:00 GMT (11:00 CEST) on April 17, we'll start to close this section and the items will no longer be available. In addition, in the future, you will not be able to collect your articles from "My Items" even if you contact the Support Service.

Go to "My Items"

Will items be transferred to "Services"?

Yes. We will transfer all permanent items (with and without repairs) and achievements. Any other items (for example, piece items or consumables) will not be transferred. The transfer process will begin after April 19 and will take time. Articles will not be transferred immediately.

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