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Battle Pass XP Rates Schedule

Categories: Events


Would you like to gain even more "New Power" Battle Pass rewards? Log into the game on certain days, play in any mode and get up to 2,5 times more BP experience!


You'll be earning increased Battle Pass XP on certain days this month and next month. Rates will apply in any modes including PvE missions, special operations and any PvP matches (Public and Custom rooms). Check out the schedule below to learn when the rates will be on:

  • from 00:00 UTC on October 8 till 23:59 UTC on October 9.
  • from 00:00 UTC on October 22 till 23:59 UTC on October 23.
  • from 00:00 UTC on November 5 till 23:59 UTC on November 6.
  • from 00:00 UTC on November 19 till 23:59 UTC on November 20.

If there are any changes to the schedule (such as additional days of increased rewards), we will be sure to share the details in the news.

How do rates work at different BP premium levels?

Different premium access types are also taken into account when increasing BP experience. Thus, the total amount of BP experience will increase in proportion to the basic bonus of the premium level. Here are the bonuses to BP XP at different levels of the upgraded BP access:

  • no premium, as well as basic and standard premium: +150%
  • extended premium: +400%;
  • super premium: +650%;
  • top premium: +900%.

In the game, you can find the BP XP bonus in the Battle Pass section, to the right of your current level progress.

UI Particularities

At the moment, there are difficulties with the visual display of increased BP rates. We are aware of this issue and will work on it in the future. In the meantime, here's what you should know:

  • Increased rates are displayed only in the Battle Pass section, your bonus amount is also indicated there.
  • When the rates are on, the increased rewards icon and the bonus will not change in the interface until you restart the game.
  • Be careful: technical settings and the information about the rates schedule in the news indicate the time when the bonus is on. If you don't receive the bonus, but you see the increased rates icon in the game, check the schedule in the news.

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