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Ranked: disabling sections

Categories: Important


We continue working on changing the website and its services. Soon, the “Ranked” section as well as its widgets will be disabled, and those pages will become unavailable. The changes will concern both personal and clan ratings.


In short, the section no longer displays current, useful, and objective information about the progress of single players or clans. It is hard to access and even harder to climb the ranks — there is no unanimous understanding on how to do it. And various visual artefacts and unaccounted for progress only serve to further spoil your understanding of the mechanic.

We looked into the issue and found out that in the first half of 2022 only 0,07% of the views of the overall webpage and its other sections’ landed on the “Ranked” page — and the numbers keep dropping. This is an extremely low figure that speaks quite loudly: the page is not popular, and players do not visit it.

And here is a breakdown as to why the mechanic is outdated and rather demotivates than encourages progress:

  • sometimes, the rating does not show factual information and spreads disinformation;
  • the player does not understand the system behind forming the ratings and how to improve their position;
  • at first, the rating was being developed based off information from different servers, and it was not properly adapted for a single server after the merge;
  • after Ranked Matches 3.0, the information became outdated (in the future, we plan to show a separate rating for the best of the best in the RM — right in the game);
  • some players lose motivation, when it is not possible to enter the ratings at all, let alone to the top;
  • in some cases, the player did not face earnest opponents — the top places were earned not with their own skill, but by exploiting the game. 

When will this happen?

The plan is to start working on disabling the services at the end of October. The process will take some time. Approximately in November, the services will become completely inaccessible.

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