New Battle Pass already in game!
We hope that you are fully ready for a new Battle Pass season. And we are glad to announce that it has finally been launched. "First Division" offers lots of cools rewards both in the BP progression and in the seasonal shop — you can get the best arms for all classes. Let's move on to the details.

Progression and Rewards
One of the main features of the new BP season are unique rewards in the Battle Pass shop. The store offers cool models with competitive characteristics, it will be exciting to hunt for such guns. You will be able to replenish your arsenals with them and effectively fight in all modes.
We are sure that the rewards should be worth the efforts — it is fair to all parties. Therefore, the total amount of experience required to fully unlock the Battle Pass progression has been increased in comparison with the previous season, where the rewards for completing missions had a lower value. In future, the BP difficulty will also depend on the value of its prizes.
You will have 60 days to unlock all levels. You can still take part in the event for free. Just like in the previous season, free Battle Pass access opens only some rewards (marked as "Free"). To fully complete the BP progression and be able to buy permanent models for BP coins in the seasonal store, you will need the extended Battle Pass access. There are 50 standard levels and 25 additional levels in the BP progression (the additional levels are only available with a premium BP access). In prestige levels, you will get more coins, which means more arms to replenish your arsenal. If, for some reason, you find out that you do not have enough time to complete the BP progression, you can always speed up the progress by purchasing the premium access. Read more about the extended access below.
Moreover, there is a contract available yielding a box with powerful golden weapons: IWI Galil ACE Gen II Rifle, Benelli Super Black Eagle 3, TX-15 SBR and Barrett MRAD Mk22. Check out the details below. Click on the image to see more.
Premium Access Types
All types of the extended Battle Pass access cost the same as in the last season. In total, there are 5 levels of premium access available. The higher the access level, the faster you will be able to level up. Each level of the extended Battle Pass access provides additional level up bonuses such as increased experience gain for matches, additional daily task slots, faster progress in Battle Pass tasks and contracts.
By purchasing premium access to the Battle Pass, you will automatically receive all the free rewards at the end of the Battle Pass, even if you have not managed to unlock them.
- no possibility to buy additional levels;
- all free BP rewards will be given at the end of the BP, regardless of whether the player has managed to unlock them.
- two additional daily task slots available.
- 100% more BP XP gain for matches;
- 1st level premium access required.
- 100% more BP XP gain for matches;
- 2nd level premium access required;
- 100% more BP XP gain for matches; the progress of completing BP contracts and daily tasks becomes two times faster (for example, if you win once, 2 wins will count for the contract progress);
- 3rd level premium access required.
Battle Pass Shop
The best arms for all classes are waiting for you in the Battle Pass shop! The store offers weapons from the "Ultimate Force" series — IWI Galil ACE Gen II Rifle, SIX12 AUTO-SD, SAR 109T Specs and AWP. The models of this series have a futuristic design — they have holographic sights, as well as a display on which you can track the number of rounds in the magazine. Hurry up to get the unique guns!
Weapons in the BP shop can be purchased with Battle Pass coins obtained by leveling up. In addition, after reaching level 50, you will get a chance to obtain weapons for Kredits.
Be sure to share your thoughts about the upcoming Battle Pass in our social media!