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Soon: Game Improvements and Reworked Maps

Categories: Dev News


In this publication, we continue sharing details of the upcoming improvements and new content including a new progression system, interface tweaks, reworked maps "Phantom Zone" and "Oil Depot" as well as other changes. 

Please note that the features described are preliminary and can be subject to change per general testing results. 

Game Improvements

Progression System

The progression system is a linear character development throughout its in-game life. Previously, it included ranks and the vendor system that stimulated players to move on, reach new heights and receive various in-game bonuses for their success.

The current system is outdated - important items for beginners (for example, Specter equipment) unlocked via the vendor system become available too late; it is not interesting to develop the character; there are no new ranks, and the rewards for them are unattractive. Another significant disadvantage of the existing progression is that it is difficult for a new player to understand.

We decided to change this by redesigning the system so that the player always had the motivation to level up, no matter what stage of the game they are currently at. You can learn more about the new system from a dedicated publication or the video below. 

Texture Streaming

We continue to rework textures to fully implement the technology allowing to optimize the PC load. The upcoming update will be the second stage of the process and it will weigh ~10.53 GB. However, the overall required disk space will not increase.

Reworked Interface

In the upcoming season, we will gradually introduce both visual and technical changes to make the game interface more user-friendly. The list of planned improvements includes:

  • updating player progress section;
  • displaying equipment specs in the modification window, a pop-up window notifying about obtaining a new item;
  • updating item information pop-up (e.g. Battle Pass level up reward);
  • technical improvements to the interface - the performance of the game client will be improved in some sections;
  • updating certain icons.

New Content

Slide Activation via the Crouch Button

The game will feature an alternative combination to activate the slide. It works in the following way: while dashing, the player presses the "crouch" button (Ctrl by default), thereby performing a slide. This movement will work as a transitional state between the dash and the crouch positions. Therefore, the final pose will depend on the options selected for the crouch in the settings: "to press the button" or "to hold the button". The new scheme can be activated or disabled in the control settings.

Content Changes

Reworked Maps "Phantom Zone" and "Oil Depot"

In the future season, we will continue to improve your favourite maps. The "Phantom Zone" and "Oil Depot" maps will be significantly redesigned. You are in for both visual and gameplay improvements.

The "Phantom Zone" map will sport upgraded looks, new weather conditions and redesigned lighting. In addition, various effects and anomalies will appear on the map.

The "Oil Depot" map will also change - object looks will be improved, and unintended spots that could be shot through will be removed. The map will offer new passages allowing players to attack from new positions.

Check out the video below for more details and share your thoughts about the changes!

Please note that the features described are preliminary and can be subject to change per general testing results.

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