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Warface FAQ #25

Categories: Blog


Warface FAQ #24 is here. Get the answers to the most burning questions and don’t forget to check out our previous articles:

  • I experience freezes, any info on them?
We are aware that some players still face freezes in matches. The development team is working on a fix.
  • Can you fix an issue that doesn’t allow to add players when you choose the Russian localization of the game?
We are aware of this problem, the developers work on the fix.
  • Can you add an option to turn off the screen shake from grenades?
It’s a part of gameplay, so we are not going to add an option to remove it as it may give an unfair advantage.
  • Are there any news on the merger?
Currently, we are doing the last preparations to launch PTS.
  • Do you plan to make  an opinion survey about the “Heist” map in RM?
Yes, there will be an opinion survey in the Game Center.
  • Will there be new WF$ boxes?
For sure there will be more wf$ items in the future. Please, follow the news.
  • Can you keep the tournament items in the shop on a permanent basis?
We’ll discuss it, thanks for the suggestion.

That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:

See you in game!

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