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Warface FAQ #24

Categories: Blog


Warface FAQ #24 is here. Get the answers to the most burning questions and don’t forget to check out our previous articles:

  • Can you add more ranks? 
The developers plan to extend the progression system and make it never ending. You can get more details in this video.
  • Can you stop counting time during cutscenes in Spec Ops?
The challenge time for the additional rewards includes the cutscenes. Stopping the counter would mean that the time would be also decreased. 
  • Will there be a PvE cup on EU?
Yes, the eSports department is preparing one for you. Stay posted!
  • Can you add skins to already skinned weapons?
The developers don’t plan to implement this feature in the near future, however we appreciate your suggestion.
  • Can you add regional pricing?
We will see if this will be possible as our website doesn’t have a regional lock based on your location like other services that have this feature. If we make a decision to add more we’ll let you know in the news. We see your feedback and requests to add them.

That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:

See you in game!

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