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2020 Recap

Categories: General


2020 has almost come to an end, so it's time to share with you the results of the past year. This article will not be devoted to in-game novelties, but to the problems and issues our players faced in 2020 as well as our ways of overcoming them. There is quite a lot to tell you about!

Developers and the publisher listen to players more

At the beginning of the year, we often received comments that the game administration did not pay attention to user requests. In fact, the opinion of each player is always important for the whole team. On our social platforms, we regularly collect feedback on all aspects of the game. However, it is not always possible to identify all the errors and get sufficient information on them; so next year we plan to work on improving the system of processing your feedback.

We would like to encourage you yet again to share any information since it helps us to fix errors. Feel free to share anything that seems important! Thanks to your feedback we arrive at certain decisions regarding making tweaks to various game aspects. As you may have noticed, user surveys on various topics have become more frequent: they range from the results of in-game events to studying the reactions to certain modifications. In 2020, they helped us implement the changes that were important to the majority of players. For example:

Regional matchmaking improvements

The matchmaking time still remains one of the pending issues. However, we have taken several steps aimed to improve the situation. One of them was the PvP maps rotation. We carried out a survey to find out your opinion about this course of action and it turned out that most of you were supporting the idea. After thorough analysis of the in-game statistics and the survey results we’ve decided to introduce several changes. The most popular maps remained in Quick Play on a permanent basis, while we began the weekly rotation of the less popular maps. At the same time, all PvP maps existing in the game remained available in the custom room.

Apart from that, we have updated the Game Center changing the sub-server selection option: some regions now remain hidden for a player depending on the ping value. 

Finally, the pop-up that allows you to search for matches in all regions now appears after 30 seconds of queuing (this applies to the NA server). We’re closely monitoring the situation and will do our best to decrease the matchmaking time.

More weapons for in-game currencies

Players were disappointed with a wide variety of weapons available only for Kredits. Almost every day, there were requests to add more guns for the in-game currencies. In 2020, a crafting system was launched that allows you to assemble Kredit guns without investing money into the game.

By taking part in various game activities, you receive cards and, upon collecting the necessary set, you can exchange them for cool items. The arm line-up is quite diverse, so everyone will find something appealing. We would like to remind you that Crown random boxes with powerful weapons continue to be added to the in-game store. Each player can receive this currency by successfully completing PvE missions and special operations, as well as for some PvP activities, such as Ranked Matches.

Do not forget about various contests in which valuable prizes are regularly raffled off.

Improved in-game Battle Pass stability

Battle Passes are one of the regular and highly anticipated activities in the game. Every season players get cool gifts and achievements. However, there used to be delays in task processing or complete loss of progress. Naturally, this fact greatly upset all players, so drastic changes and improvements were needed. This year, several Battle Passes have been integrated into the game client. Now progress does not get lost and is counted instantly. Moreover, it is more convenient to monitor the task progress.

In the course of the year, Battle Pass participants received a lot of excellent gifts including weapons, camos, achievements, and unique character skins.

Better hit damage registration

In social networks, we often see complaints about poor hit damage registration in the game. We have investigated the issue and are preparing improvements in several areas. We will publish a separate article providing more detailed information on the matter. Stay tuned not to miss all the fun!

There are almost no teleports in the game 

Most likely, almost no one now remembers that there used to be teleports in the game. Numerous improvements helped us get rid of them. Now you can hardly experience teleports if you have a stable Internet connection.

Technical support responds to players' reports more efficiently

It's no secret that an online game cannot exist without technical support, and Warface is no exception. Technical support operators are qualified specialists who respond to reports and study each specific situation. If the cause of the problem is on the user's side, they receive recommendations for its settlement. If the issue is caused by problems on the game side, the support collects necessary data and forwards the information to the developers. You can learn more about the work of our customer support in the dedicated news.

Improved anticheat
Players using third-party software always cause a lot of inconvenience to the rest of users; that's why the fight against cheats is one of our top priorities. The constant anti-cheat improvement is carried out in three areas: MRAC fine-tuning, elimination of exploits, and general improvement of the game, as well as the development of new ways to combat violators. At the moment, there are fewer cheaters. Many of those who are called “cheaters” are actually “laggers” - players who get an unfair advantage not due to third-party software, but due to ping and the quality of connection to the server. We actively work in this direction as well. However, do not forget to report suspicious users in the game.
More improvements on the technical side of the game

Like in any other game, sometimes we have various technical failures that interfere with the gameplay. There were even critical issues that prevented some users from taking part in battles. The development team has done great job, and this year there have been introduced many technical improvements that helped to get rid of a number of problems. Let's recall the most important ones. 

  • In PvP, the speed of information exchange between the game client and the server (TickRate) has been significantly increased up to 60 sendings per second.
  • The game no longer supports 32-bit systems.
  • The game client now supports DirectX 11. This allows to take advantage of modern GPUs to ensure better quality and performance, as well as to eliminates several problems related to DirectX 9.
  • We have introduced a set of advanced NVIDIA Reflex technologies that measure and reduce in-game system latency.
  • Now in the Game Center, your region is selected automatically with the minimal delay. In other words, being matched with fighters from your region or a neighboring one provides for more comfortable gaming conditions.
  • There appeared several tools for monitoring important technical metrics such as Internet connection and PC performance. These monitoring tools allow to select the optimal equipment settings for comfortable gaming.

We are not going to stop at what has already been achieved and will continue our work on improving the technical component of the game next year! Thank you for your continuous support and appreciation. We work hard to make your game experience in Warface most enjoyable and fun. Your feedback guides the game development and leads us to new summits. 

See you in game!

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