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September Update - Part II

Categories: Patch Notes
A minor patch containing fixes for the September Update has been installed. Check out the list below and evaluate in-game changes!
Please bear in mind that the "Salamander" gear and "Berserk" guns are still unavailable. We will tell you about the dates and ways of obtaining these items in a dedicated article.

Content Changes

  • The "Berserk" gear set has been renamed "Salamander" and revamped:
  1. The Engineer and the Sniper Set perks protecting from one impact have been substituted for the Rifleman and the Medic effects respectively. This will help Engineers feel more confident thanks to increased hand protection while Snipers will be able to take on the role of silent assassins dealing impressive damage at the cost of weak armor.
  2. The overall health and armor regeneration speed has been slightly increased.
    Learn more
    All classes 4-Item Set Bonus
    Regenerates 4 additional health and armor points (after 4 secs with no hits).
    Reduces damage received by 5 points more per hit.
    Medic 2-Item Set Bonus
    Permits to detect enemy mines.
    Engineer "Salamander" Engineer Gloves
    Increase hand protection by 22%.
    "Salamander" Engineer Boots
    Increase sprint speed by 5%.
    5-Item Set Bonus
    Increase crouch speed by 35%.
    Sniper "Salamander" Sniper Boots
    Reduce step sound intensity.
    Sniper Set
    The precision rifle Steyr Scout has been substituted for DSA SA58 SPR.
    2-Item Set Bonus
    Delays claymore activation by 2 secs.
    5-Item Set Bonus
    Increases sprint speed by 15%.

    Additional Weapons of the Set
    VHS-2, Saiga H.G.C. Custom, H&K MP5A5 Custom, AT308, AS-"VAL", Derya MK?10 VR 102, SR-2 Veresk, CheyTac M200.

  • The season maps "Hangar (Jogos 2016)" and "Brazilian Vault" have been replaced with their regular versions.

Bug Fixes

Weapons and Gear

  • AK-12 "Berserk": weapon specs now correspond to the original ones.
  • Enfield L85A2 Custom: fixed the model error due to which the sight of the rifle was displaced.
  • McMillan CS5 "Phobos": fixed the error causing incorrect texture animation display on the model’s body.
  • "Berserk" Rifleman Boots: fixed the icon display in the notification upon item acquisition.
  • Fixed the error impeding "Spectre" set bonus activation if "Sigma" boots were used for the Medic or the Engineer.


  • Fixed a serious error related to one of the SpecOps.
  • "Training": fixed the error due to which players could skip part of melee training for Engineers.
  • "Cold Peak" (Acte 2): fixed the error due to which in some cases a player could respawn in the wrong ?heckpoint.


  • Fixed localization of boxes containing rewards for completion of certain Special Operations.

Known issues

  • "Safe House": 2-item set bonus works incorrectly if one item of the gear set and a necessary gun are equipped.

New challenges bring new achievements!

See more

"Berserk": The Pre-Order of New Battle Pass
"Berserk" Battle Pass will bring a spectacular "Salamander" set, mind-blowing guns featuring a mystical runic design and other valuable prizes
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Sniper's shop update
Sniper primaries arrive in store till the 18th of September
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