Spoils of War Chest now on myLoot
A unique chest is now available on myLoot. Spoils of War Chest is comprised of weapons that were widely used in the first half of the 20th century - with them many soldiers became decorated war heroes. Some of these guns are both powerful and exclusive, as they have never been available in-game prior to "Spoils of War". We are sure that both collectors and PvP/PvE overlords will find something to their liking in this special chest.
Spoils of War Chest will be available on myLoot till the 15th of July.
"Spoils of War" can be obtained with myLoot bonus currency - myCoins. You will get one item chosen randomly per chest purchase.
Please note:
- the durability of weapons is unlimited but only the value up to 999% will be shown in the weapon description. Each weapon duplicate you receive will be converted to +100% of durability for the existing weapon.
- if you already possess any of the temporary items listed, their duration will be increased by the time span of the purchased items.