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Global update "Mars" goes live

Categories: Patch Notes


The global update "Mars" has already landed on Warface servers. The time has come to set off for the Red Planet! A new SpecOp, "Armageddon" equipment, "Ares", "Phobos" and "Deimos" weapon series, Stoner LMG A1, gun tweaks and more are waiting for you. Be the first to dive in!

Special operation "Mars"

Experience new emotions in SpecOp "Mars"! For the first time in the game’s history the combat will take place on the Red Planet yielding brand new gameplay and unique experience. Learn more

Here is a short list of new game mechanics.

  • New location and scene — Mars.
  • In line with the plot of the Special Operation "Sunrise".
  • Remote SED control.
  • New enemies: spider mines, Martian SEDs 2.0, Antaeus-6 and a unique boss.
  • New guns: an energy weapon ARCUS and a MARS Defibrillator.
  • Solo tasks in certain zones.
  • Heaps of unique achievements for mission completion.

"Ares" weapon series

Upon completing the Special Operation "Mars" you can get your hands on a unique weapon of the "Ares" series delivered straight from the Martian laboratories! The set includes one gun for each class. Mind that "Ares" is not a camo but a tactical kit that changes the weapon's geometry and improves its performance.

MK 14 EBR"Ares" MK14 EBR
M60E4"Ares" M60E4
?????-12?"Ares" Saiga-12C

Don’t forget that landing kills with the "Ares" weapons will grant you custom stripes!



The most prominent Mars conquerors will be awarded with 20 custom achievements. Only the combination of individual efficiency and excellent teamwork will yield you all stripes, badges and marks!


"Armageddon" battle pass

Please note that "Armageddon" BP will go live soon but not today. The event is now at the final testing stage. MARS is a large-scale and technically difficult update. We launched it a day earlier to make sure it is stable before adding the Battle Pass as additional load.

"Armageddon" equipment

We are glad to present amazing gear that will become available for "Armageddon" Battle Pass participants upon completing weekly mission block tasks. The line-up includes all types of equipment items with class-specific stats and provides a set bonus upon equipping all items of the series. 

"Armageddon" Boots

"Armageddon" Rifleman Helmet

"Armageddon" Medic Helmet

Typhoon F12

In the previous three Battle Passes you crafted mighty class-specific arms. Riflemen, Engineers and Snipers can already showcase excellent primaries. Should Medics be left burning up with envy? Of course not! The global update features the automatic shotgun Typhoon F12 that will top up the craftable weapon line-up.

Just like the rest of its peers the rifle boasts a set of specs due to which it can compete with other popular guns in Warface. We will closely follow Typhoon F12’s stats for possible tweaks.

"Deimos" and "Phobos" series

The update also brings exclusive “Phobos" and "Deimos" series that will be available for participants of "Armageddon" upon completing certain number of weekly missions.

Have a look at the slider below to see "Deimos" guns named after one of the natural satellites of Mars. By the way, the Greek God of Terror, the son of Ares, had the same name.

The holders of "Deimos" rifles will have to make 10 000 kills to get themed stripes.

Moreover, those wielding these amazing weapons will be able to earn particular achievements: deal over 9000 damage and receive the "Deimos Demolition" badge; kill over 1000 enemies to obtain the "Deimos Eliminator" badge; earn any 4 of Deimos elimination achievements to be awarded with the "Deimos Collector" badge.

The other weapon series is named for the second satellite of Mars, Phobos, who in Greek mythology is the twin brother of Deimos and the personification of fear.

As for the "Phobos" series, annihilate 15 000 enemies to get a themed stripe.

"Armageddon" smoke grenade

We have prepared another new feature for the BP participants: "Armageddon" grenade boasts a unique visual effect that resembles whirlwind. Make your enemies die of a surprise heart attack!

"Armageddon" achievements

"Armageddon" also offers plentiful achievements: 7 badges, 17 marks and 5 stripes that you can proudly pin to your user profile to boast on the forum or in the game. Obtain "Armageddon" access and complete various missions to get your hands on them!

Please note: "Armageddon" BP will go live soon but not today. The event is now at the final testing stage. MARS is a large-scale and technically difficult update. We launched it a day earlier to make sure it is stable before adding the Battle Pass as additional load.


New content

Stoner LMG A1

Stoner LMG A1 is a top-notch assault rifle. The gun boasts an excellent accuracy-damage ratio especially while aiming. Besides, fast reload makes Stoner LMG A1 stand out among other weapons of the same class as it takes the operator only 4 seconds to change the magazine and get ready to fire.

Moreover, additional damage to limbs and comfortable recoil can be enumerated among the arm’s main merits.


Content changes

Weapon tweaks

The global update MARS will bring tweaks to certain primary weapons for all the classes. Have a look at the table below to discover what combat stats are revamped.

Please note that all the versions of the rifles will be subject to changes, unless stated otherwise.

Hover the cursor over  to see the tweaks


- Increased damage: 78 (used to be 75).
- Increased head damage multiplier.
Elite / Golden ACR CQB
- Increased damage: 78 (used to be 77).
- Increased range: 11 (used to be 10.5).
- Increased head damage multiplier.
Beretta MX4 Storm

- Increased damage: 70 (used to be 65).
- Increased rate of fire: 810 (used to be 805).
- Increased limb damage multiplier.
Marlin 1894 Custom

- Increased limb damage multiplier.

- Increased rate of fire: 44 (used to be 40).
- Slightly increased damage multiplier to arms.

- Reduced damage drop at a distance.
- Increased range: 14 (used to be 13).
- More tangible recoil.
M16A3 Custom

- Increased limb damage multiplier.
- Easier recoil control, lower long burst accuracy.

- Increased minimum damage.
- Increased limb damage multiplier. 

Other changes

Weapons and equipment

  • AS50: a smoother reload animation.
  • The game now features “Fiesta" skins based on the “Euro-2016" series. The new skins are more universal since they bare no inscriptions.


  • The spectator mode is now more comfortable and functional.
  • Now it is possible to put the game on pause in all competitive modes.
  • The spectator mode is now available in "Plant the Bomb", "Capture", "Blitz" and "Team Death Match".
  • The "Battle Royale" map has been replaced by "Mojave".


  • New conditions for unlocking Special Operations at various difficulty levels:
  1. "Easy" — 2nd rank;
  2. "Normal" — 11th rank;
  3. "Hard" — 11th rank if the SpecOp was completed on "Normal".
  • Special Operations without difficulty levels are available from the 11th rank.


  • A special button has been added to the main game menu to grant a comfortable access to the "Armageddon" Battle Pass.



  • Players will no longer start another Ranked Match with the same team.
  • Fixed the error causing downward shift of the scope of some arms in sprint mode.
  • The aiming reticle of precision rifles no longer shifts while aiming.
  • Fixed the error that in rare cases caused game client crash.
  • Fixed the error that in some cases caused the game server shut down.

Weapons and equipment

  • Certain weapons are now correctly positioned in the character’s hands in first and third-person view and in some cases on the stats screen after a match.
  • Golden Thompson M1928: the weapon now deals additional damage to cyborgs.
  • SIG Sauer P226 C "Icebreaker": the aiming reticle of the reflex sight Trijicon RMR is no longer below the impact point.
  • Kriss Super V Custom:
  • the aiming reticle of the reflex sight Redring MK2 used to be displayed differently on various weapon versions;
  • the aiming reticle of Redring MK2 is no longer below the impact point.
  • Kills landed with the sapper shovel "Anti-Cyborg" now count for the achievement "Too damn easy!"
  • Fixed the error causing incorrect display of skins for secondary and melee weapons.
  • Magic Wand: the additional attack visual effect is no longer displayed when the player comes back to the inventory from the safe house.
  • Rhino 60DS: the melee attack animation is now synchronized with the actual blow.
  • The icons of the achievements "Cyber Pro DSA SA58 SPR" and "Cyber Pro Remington R11 RSASS" now correspond to the weapons.
  • CheyTac M200: the rifle’s reload in third-person view is now animated.
  • FN F2000: the camera no longer swings during reload.
  • UTAS UTS-15: the textures of the weapon’s barrel are now correctly displayed when the Sweet Vengeance Skin is equipped.
  • PKP Pecheneg: the aspect of the flash guard "Flor de Muerto" now corresponds to the icon image.
  • Calico M955A: the bayonet is now correctly positioned in third-person view.
  • Tavor Tar-21: reload is now correctly displayed.
  • Banana Claymore: the animation after laying the claymore is now correctly displayed.
  • Browning High Power: an icon of the last exposed temporal weapon is no longer displayed instead of the pistol icon.
  • Golden AWM: fixed the error causing incorrect magazine texture display.
  • Sidewinder Venom: fixed the error hindering seasonal Ranked Matches skins application to the reflex sight Aimpoint Comp4s Snow.
  • Beretta ARX160: fixed the error causing incorrect texture display during the melee attack in first-person view.
  • CDX-MC Kraken: the scope ATACR (x4,5) is now correctly positioned in third-person view.
  • AA-12: fixed the error causing incorrect texture display of the drum after applying the skin "World Cup".
  • MSBS Radon: fixed the error causing incorrect display of the attachment menu in the weapon modification mode.
  • "Saiga": fixed the error causing incorrect display of the shooting animation while using the Medic Nanosuit and the reflex sight Aimpoint Comp4s.
  • The improved assault scope is now correctly positioned on the weapon.
  • Remington MSR: the aiming reticle is no longer below the impact point.
  • DSA SA58 SPR: fixed the error causing incorrect icon display in the skin application menu in the inventory.
  • AS-"VAL": the weapon is now correctly positioned in the character’s hands in third-person view.
  • XM8: fixed the error causing incorrect display of the character’s left hand model.
  • Open Cup Helmet: repair cost has been changed.
  • Golden Thompson M1928: the arm’s icon is now displayed.


  • "Palace": textures no longer disappear in a certain spot on the map.
  • "Hawkrock": there is no longer an unforeseen advantage point where players become vulnerable in the point "Fountain".
  • "District": characters will no longer get stuck in the point "Three".
  • "Trailer Park": fixed the error causing textures to disappear in the point "Hovel".
  • Fixed the error causing players to finish early a paused match performing an unforeseen sequence of actions.
  • "Hangar": fixed the error causing incorrect animation of help to a knocked down player on crates of a forklift in the centre of the map.
  • In case the player reconnects to the match during a pause a special timer screen is now displayed.


  • Mission "Middle East": fixed the error causing incorrect display of the model of collision of a loading ramp of the Warface helicopter.
  • SpecOp "Black Shark": players will no longer get stuck in a certain spot of the map.
  • SpecOp "Sunise", Act 4: the "Firestarter" will no longer ignore targets behind him, thus, becoming vulnerable.
  • SpecOp "Cyber Horde": the EMP-vehicle will no longer go over a knocked-down character who happens to be in its way.
  • SpecOp "Blackout": fixed the error causing characters to get trapped behind an obstacle and be unable to join the rest of the squad.
  • SpecOp "Sunrise": fixed the error causing incorrect mobile power shield movement animation if a character received damage.


  • Fixed the error hindering equipment of new weapons from the popup window of the message box. The gun used to remain the same.
  • Fixed the error hindering the Engineer from going on to use the armor repair kit to restore the armor after jumping. It was not possible even holding the right mouse button.
  • The PvE tab in the game mode selection menu is now available if the screen resolution is 2560?1440 and a contract is active.
  • Fixed the Tactical Axe skin description in the Random Box awarded for completion of the "Pripyat" Special Operation (it used to be called «Tactical Axe "Nuclear"»).
  • Fixed the error hindering production of certain sounds when lots of them were playing simultaneously.
  • Fixed the error hindering a player from starting a match in "Quick Play" (PvP and PvE) if he entered the "Help" tab and chose any Tutorial mission during the countdown before the match start.


Good luck in battle!

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"Armageddon" page will be temporarily closed
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