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"Armageddon" Battle Pass is now live

Categories: General


"Armageddon" is nigh! The Battle Pass is part of a Martian adventure that has landed on the game servers. BP participants will build a research base on the Red planet to craft superior weapons and complete challenging tasks to get their hands on the "Armageddon" set. Try your luck opening personal crates and get custom achievements and infinite personal progress rewards!

Those players who pre-ordered the BP can set off on the mission right now. You can also transfer bonuses and "Armageddon" items from the inventory into the game.

Still got no access? Hurry up, get it now!



There are two versions available: a regular one and an extended one. 


  • Weekly missions are available only in the full Battle Pass version.
  • Tasks completed are quickly added while it may take longer to transfer XP and crates. Please, be patient.
  • If part of your experience disappears, do not fret, it will be back after some time.
  • You can find crates in the "Levels" tab.
  • You can complete several missions at a time.

What does the extended version consist of?

  • Full access to the Battle Pass
  • 20 personal progress levels
  • 5 personal crates
  • 500 "Armageddon" smoke grenades

After the purchase, the items will be transferred to the "Services" tab of the inventory.

Important: Please note that in comparison with "Syndicate" experience points are distributed differently in the personal progress. This time all levels require the same XP quantity (in the previous BP the number of XP increased with every level unlocked - from level 1 to 50, the first levels being the easiest ones).

You do not need a key to open unique personal crates. They cannot be sold, only unlocked by the holder. The crates contain various rewards including awesome permanent guns.

Those who are still dubious about whether to take part in the event can get a trial version. It has certain limitations and does not grant access to heaps of prizes.

  Trial access Full access
Access to daily missions + +
Access to weekly missions - +
Access to actions in the "Base" tab - +
View of the "Base" tab + +
Access to Battle Points and XP + +
Access to level-up rewards till level 10 +

Equipment "Armageddon"


Weapon series "Phobos"


Weapon series "Deimos"


What does "Armageddon" include?

The mission system remains the same as the previous Battlrpassses except for minor changes. It is comprised of weekly mission blocks. By completing certain number of tasks you can obtain the main rewards - "Armageddon" items. Mission completion will also grant you personal crates. Learn more about it here.

Every unlocked personal progress level will bring rewards! Moreover, there is an infinite number of levels: upon collecting the main prizes you will get personal crates. Please note that now experience points are distributed differently in the personal progress. This time all levels require the same XP quantity. Receive personal progress XP to level-up. You can get them in battle and for mission completion.

One of the brand new BP features is a Martian Base.  Develop it to get bonuses including permanent golden arms. You can learn more about exploration, resources and weapon crafting here.

The holders of the full access will be able to craft the new shotgun Typhoon F12. Nothing has changed in this respect: receive resource crates, collect materials required and craft a superior gun!

Dozens of unique achievements are waiting for their heroes! Go through the full list and assess the chances of extending your collection with custom badges, marcs and stripes here.

The traditional BP tournament will also take place. Learn more about it here.

You can find crates and keys unchanged in the "Services" tab. The soldier’s XP and Battle Points are obtainable as before by playing matches. 

The Battle Pass will be live during several months. We will inform you about the exact closing date later. 

Good luck in battle!


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