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"Armageddon": Typhoon F12

Categories: Offers


In the previous three Battle Passes you crafted mighty class-specific arms using resource crates. Riflemen, Engineers and Snipers can already boast of excellent primaries. Should Medics be left burning up with envy? Of course not! The top shotgun Typhoon F12 is ripe for pros to pick it and try it in battle!

Typhoon F12

What is this new beast of a weapon? Typhoon F12 is an automatic shotgun that is quite easy to use: it feels as though you were born with this gun in hands. It is an arm of choice for beginners as well as for battle-hardened veterans.

Thanks to well-balanced stats, the shotgun will prove a perfect performer in any mode and combat situation. Thus, you will not have to constantly change the weapon depending on the battle type. If enemies catch you unawares or get too close, the rifle’s high accuracy will give them no chance to stab you in the back.

The shotgun’s exact stats will become public upon final trimming during testing.

The gun’s sleek looks immediately catch the eye. No detail that has been disregarded. It is pure pleasure to see this piece of art in the character’s hands.

Weapon crafting

The crafting process and mechanics presently remain the same: as you play you will get crates containing resources of different levels. To craft the gun you need to collect weapon modules and gain 200 level V resources. If you have already accumulated them, you will be able to receive the shotgun pretty soon, once "Armageddon" goes live.

See you in battle!

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