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Direct sale: RPD Custom and M249 Para

Categories: Offers


All-time classics re-appear in store. Obtain RPD Custom and M249 Para with their golden versions via direct sale till the 26th of February.

RPD Custom

“Custom” in the name of the gun implies that it has been modified - improved in comparison to the standard version. A large variety of attachments will help you to customize the gun – play the way you like! Impressive damage, easy-to-control recoil and advanced zoom-in make RPD Custom indispensable in any PvP match. 

M249 Para

M249 is an air-cooled and gas-operated machine gun. With its quick-change barrel Para allows the gunner to quickly change overheated or jammed barrels. This reliable weapon will prove useful in any battle.

Allies of old unite once again!

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