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Direct sale: Magpul FMG-9, ATLAS weapons, Lake Bird camo

Categories: Offers


A shop update filled with rare items has arrived. And all of them are available through direct purchase.

Acquire Magpul FMG-9, ATLAS weapons and  Lake Bird weapon skins till the 19th of November.

Magpul FMG-9

Magpul FMG-9 is a prototype for a new generation of folding sub-machine guns. It has a detachable iron sight with rapid zoom and an insanely high rate of fire. Its damage, range, headshot multiplier and the zoom-in time have all been boosted. These features make this sub-machine gun incredibly deadly at close quarters. Get special achievements by taking down foes with this weapon!

 ATLAS weapons

These are rare poweful weapons themed around "Atlas of War". Both stats and visuals are superb. To top it off, each of these tools of war grants a special achievement for 15 000 kills.



ATLAS Derya MK-10 VR 102 

ATLAS PM-84 Glauberyt Custom








ATLAS Jagdkommando

Lake Bird weapon skins

Luxurious and ultra-rare Lake Bird skins are now available in store. Make sure you boost your collection with this magnificent camouflage assortment that will wonderstruck allies and foes alike.

Lake Bird camo for Tactical Axe

Lake Bird camo for Glock 18C

Lake Bird camo for AK-103

Lake Bird camo for M16A3 

Lake Bird camo for Saiga Bullpup

Lake Bird camo for Tavor CTAR-21

Lake Bird camo for McMillan CS5

The legends await!

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