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Direct sale: Saiga Bullpup

Categories: Offers


Meet n' greet Saiga Bullpup available through direct purchase only till the 19th of November.

Regular Saiga Bullpup is quite a powerhouse: excellent accuracy, hight rate of fire, and on top of that it literally blows their minds!

What you’ve got here is obviously a bullpup configuration that adds extra length to the barrel, which pays off in accuracy and increased effective range, while situating action behind the trigger group makes it extremely manageable in terms of recoil – a definitely positive feat for an automatic shotgun. Overall, its structure puts it right against the body, translating into naturally high – for a combat shotgun, that is – hip-fire accuracy.


It doesn’t end there. You can earn achievements for 10 000 and 25 000 kills with Saiga Bullpup respectively, and these are added as Badges. 

Count on the power at your fingertips!

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