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Embrace the spirit of football with Warface!

Categories: General


The first half of the summer will be marked by a global sports event that brings millions of people together. To celebrate the world football tournament Warface features themed items, a new map and a mini-game! You can already get the special weapon skins in store.

Oil Depot map now in football style!

Specifically for the football championship  we have altered one of the most favorite maps for team matches – “Oil Depot”. Among the most important changes  - visual alterations turning the depot into a stadium and new sound effects. You can feel like a professional athlete and play football accompanied by the supportive shouts of your fans! Who will win: Warface or Blackwood? Time to find out!

By the way, if you locate a ball on the field and score a goal against your foes – the numbers will change on the interactive stadium table! 

In Quick Play “Oil Depot” map has been changed into its football version.

Themed game event

Closer to the start of the world tournament  we will open a promo-page, where you will be able to play a mini-game and obtain cool rewards! Further details and the rules of the mini-game will be announced later.

Play on!

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