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New regional server in Korea and 3 new localizations

Categories: General

Dear players!

The update you have longing for has finally arrived. A lot of effort from both the developers and operational side has been put into making Warface more accessible and enjoyable for a wider audience.

You, our players are the center of our game, the community being the core pillar of it. We closely monitor your feedback and attempt to carry on with the improvements on multiple fronts. Often, the solutions are not as simple and linear as it seems at first glance. To achieve optimal results – solutions and fixes need to be carefully planned, tested and evaluated, which takes time and resources. Server connection, regional servers and the specter of related concepts are of this ‘long-term’ standing.

However, today we are proud to present the fruits of our labor: new regional server in Seoul, South Korea and game localizations in Korean, Portuguese and Russian.

About the update

As of present, there are two main servers you connect to when you play Warface; Europe and North America. The main problem is in the high volume of players stuck with selecting between the two servers that they are equally far away from. The previous regional server in Hong Kong was an opportunity for the players in South, East and Southeast Asian regions to play with much lower ping, leading to a better experience altogether. However, that alone was not enough to solve the arising issues altogether. In response to great necessity and high demand – we have thus opened a new regional server to set the quality bar higher.

Additionally you can now choose Korean, Portuguese and Russian languages for the game to make your game experience more natural.

How do I choose a regional server?

There’s not much to it! Similar to how you currently select your language and server at this time, you will be also able to select the region. That does not mean any loss or change of progress – all your account data is stored safe and sound on the selected ‘main’ server (EU/NA) you have been using this far – consider the regional server as a point of access.


A likely concern is the ability to find matches in a timely fashion, and it’s a valid one – introducing more regional servers spreads the member base and thus may makes it difficult to find a match.

We’ll use the current game mode matchmaking queues as an example. If you’re unable to find a match for let’s say, “Storm” for a period of time, you will be offered to queue up for all game modes at once, getting you into the game sooner. The regional servers have this setting, allowing you to primarily search for games in your region, and if unable, you will be offered to broaden your search – in other words, the system works in a similar way as it does now.

Are more servers coming in future?

We aim to expand our ‘map’ to cover more regions altogether, and thus enable all players to enjoy Warface alike. New servers are likely to be implemented in future yet the more active communities will be prioritized first.

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