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Soon in game: character stats

Categories: General


Amazing changes await Warface players in one of the next updates: we proudly introduce a new game mechanics – character stats.

You’ll be able to create a unique soldier and adapt him/her to your own combat style. Moreover, the battles will become more challenging and less predictable, as the roleplay element will be deeply integrated into the system.

How does it work?

It will be possible for every player to arrange certain skills for their characters by spending stat points on various character stats. There are six parameters: Strength, Dexterity, Intellect, Stamina, Luck and Charisma. Tweaking each of them directly affects your character and their behavior in combat.

  • Strength decreases recoil, increases melee damage, max. armor points and ammo capacity for the primary weapon.
  • Dexterity influences the speed of weapon change, zoom-in and reloading. High dexterity significantly lowers the moving sound.
  • Intellect decreases flashbang effect and slightly increases accuracy. High intellect value allows you to see claymores and increase their time to detonate.
  • Stamina directly influences sprint time and slide distance. High stamina value slightly decreases all incoming damage and ensures decent knockdown protection.
  • Luck provides you with some protection from explosives and gives you a very small chance to evade any incoming damage to any part of the body. It also slightly increases the chance of obtaining a gold weapon from random boxes.
  • Charisma increases the chance of getting matched with stronger teammates and gives you more options for a quick chat. High charisma values substantially decreases the chance to get vote kicked.

Each of these stats ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the value, the better the effect.

How do I gain stat points?

You will get stat points for levelling up your rank: you get 5 points upon character creation and 5 additional points for every rank you get. If you already have a character in Warface, you will get the corresponding number of stat points according to your rank.

Choose wisely, for you won’t be able to cancel the changes!

Watch the video to see all the details of the new system:

Watch video

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