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Inside Warface: Servers

Categories: General

Dear players!

We closely monitor your feedback regarding the state of the game and it is your support that enables us to tackle the existing issues. However, some of the challenges we face are rather long-term and can not be overcome with a simple turn of the switch. To face such challenges we need to carefully plan our steps, prototype the solutions, test their viability and start a methodic implementation – all while keeping track of your feedback and trusting your honest opinions to pick the right development direction.

Our servers challenge is of the latter kind.  Earlier, we have already answered the existing questions regarding the servers in our vlog.

It is true that ping issues negatively impact your game experience. The co-related issues stem from two main reasons:

  • the large physical distance to the servers
  • the routing on the provider’s side.

We are adamant about working towards deceasing the negative impact of the first aforementioned reason. Last year, for example, we added new regional servers in Hong Kong and San Jose.

However, contrary to what we expected, the San Jose server did not lead to significant improvements for our players in South America. Thus, we do plan to add another server on the territory of South America. The SEA region will also not be forgotten. We plan to equip our dear players there with an additional regional server.

Even with the server location challenge solved, there is still a possibility that the situation for the player won’t change greatly. The most likely reason for this is the routing on the provider’s side. Complex routes in which data travels through extra distances significantly decrease the quality of the connection causing a detrimental effect on you gameplay. Thus, in case you’ve experienced this situation yourself – we strongly recommend contacting your provider to make sure of the optimal routing.

As for the other circumstances - currently we witness the issue with matchmaking and jumps between servers. We will concentrate on solving this situation throughout 2018.  Additionally, we will continue launching rate events, like “Happy Hours”. We plan to experiment between increasing the amount of players online during off-peak hours and maximizing this amount during the peak time.

That’s all for this time updates. Next time we will tell you about lag compensation.

Your feedback will help us to make your game experience even more enjoyable. Leave it in on our official forum and in Steam community hub.

Thank you for your continuous support.

Sincerely yours,

Warface Team

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