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The Heist is on

Categories: Events


With all the exciting updates coming soon and Challenge Cups on their way - it is time to restock your supplies! Sort your gear out before embarking on your next mission and check out the offer while at it – it your best chance to get some krazy Kredits and put your mind at ease! 


It’s simple!

  1. Proceed to the offer page.
  2. Open the cells.
  3. Get bonuses for your next purchase!

How does it work?

There’s a total of four levels, each has 7 cell doors you can open. Each cell may contain a bonus to your next Kredit refill, Jackpot or a loss.

The results of all your rounds stack into your final bonus.

For example, you get a bonus of 3% on the first level, 12% on the second, 16% on the third and 18% on the fourth. At the end of the game as you get through four rounds these combine into a total bonus of 49% to your next Kredit purchase.

Another example, you’ve got the same 3% on the first, 12% on the second but you rolled a skull and got bust on the third – the game is over, but you get a bonus of 15% to your next Kredit purchase as you’ve obtained 3% and 12% from the first two levels you did win.

A minute of technicalities

The bonus received is active for a single next Kredit purchase for 24h after you finish the game. When expired, the bonus is voided and you receive another free round.

If after winning the mini-game you refill your Kredit balance by 400 or more with your next single purchase, not only will you get the bonus but also a free additional round!

The event will be active from 05.12.2017 10:00 UTC (12:00 CET) to 07.12.2017 20:59 UTC (21:59 CET). All unused bonuses expire when it ends!

Compatible browsers

  • IE V9+/ Edge
  • Firefox V31+
  • Chrome V31+
  • Safari V8
  • Opera V12 +
  • iOS Safari 8.4
  • Android Browser V40
  • Chrome for Android V42

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