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“Absolute Power”: Progress Improvements

Categories: Events

Dear players!

We closely monitor your feedback for “Absolute Power” and take it into consideration. In the last few days we have been investigating the progress rate and your comments have enabled us to make this global operation even more enjoyable. “Absolute Power” has never been this close!


We have fixed troublesome issues that were bothering our players. These include slow personal progress, scarce objectives and lack of content in the start. 


It has become much easier to level up in this global operation. With active gameplay and regular objective completion you will be able to reach the peaks of “Absolute Power”.

  1. Regional objectives provide increased amount of experience. Even easy objectives give up to 10 experience points points while nightmare ones supply up to 50 points. Match completion experience gain remains the same. You can find additional information in the tables below.
  2. Experience gain  from boosters has been significantly increased.  Now with active VIP boost you will be getting 100% more experience  points for the matches and 200% more with Mega VIP. As per usual, the effects stack.


We have removed some of the restrictions on accessing the objectives. Now you’ll be able to get even more diverse objectives at the same time.

  1. “Normal” objectives are now available instantly - not from level 5 like before. You’ll be able to receive better rewards from the start!
  2.  The chances of hard and insane objectives appearing on your map have now been increased.


  1. Class squad objectives are not restricted by your level anymore. You can instantly send troops on either one of the two types of objectives!
  2. Elite squad objectives are now available from level 25 and not 45. “Absolute” gear is within your reach!


The tables below provide information on how to acquire experience and battle points:


Personal experience points

Battle Points

PVE “Practice”



PVE “Easy” and above

Up to 10 points for victory, 0 for defeat


Any special operation

Up to 10  points for victory

Up to 100 

Custom PVP rooms



Ranked matches

Up to 10 points for victory, up to 4 for defeat

From 1 to 100 

“Quick play” PVP except the modes  listed below

Up to 10  points for victory, up to 4 for defeat

From 1 to 100 

“Battle Royale”

Up to 10 points if you kill at least 1 foe

From 1 to 100 if you kill 2 and more foes

“Free for all” + “Bag and Tag”

Up to 10 points if you kill 6 and more foes

From 1 to 100 if you kill 6 and more foes

Experience gain for objectives completion

Objectives difficulty levels


Experience points













Experience gain for squad objectives completion*










*UPD: The stats for squad objectives experience gain have been actualised.

Reminder: any progress for match completion (battle points, personal experience points or objectives completion) is added only after a correctly finished game session. Leaves and kicks will not bring any progress.


Many players want to know how to acquire permanent gear and weapons. You can get them as rewards  for completing the objectives of the highest difficulty and elite squad objectives.

Each time an objective appears for you to accept – you see a list of rewards you personally can receive for completing this objective and this is not the full list of all possible rewards. Attentive players have already noticed that completing the same objective on different days is rewarded with different prizes.

Thus, when accepting an objective you choose whether you want to work towards getting this specific reward or you prefer to wait out until the daily reset.

So what are the possible rewards for completing the objectives?

  • “Easy” objectives provide weapons and equipment for up to 8 hours.
  • “Normal” objectives provide weapons and equipment for up to 5 days. This includes the items from random boxes.
  • “Hard”  objectives provide weapons and equipment for up to 10 day. This includes the items from random boxes and “Absolute” gear + skins.
  • “Nightmare” objectives provide elite equipment for up to 15 days. This includes gold weapons from random boxes  for up to 15 days and “Absolute” gear + skins.

Some players have already put on “Absolute” outfits and you can next.

“Absolute Power” is but a breath away!

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Please note that crate crafting will be available from next week due to the work on the changes listed in this article. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

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