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New site walkthrough

Categories: General

We’re only a few steps away from setting foot on the new site! So what does this mean for you? At first glance, this is merely a visual change – yet there’s more to it! The site’s received an extensive revamp in terms of the internal features as well as those available – or visible – to you.

In other words, we’re able to provide you access to your key data and enable you to stay connected on a new, more optimized platform. Let’s translate it in simple terms: access to your profile, items, the beginner area; easier access to the events page and an ability to compose an own wiki with full details on all values, features and items in the game. The latter is extremely useful in keeping us all on the same page on where we stand and what things need to be.

Last time around, we’ve given you a preview of what the site’s meant to be and right before you all get busy with the tournament next weekend (June the third), let’s have a closer look at the aforementioned features.


We’re already familiar with the main screen though, aren’t we? News through Wiki, the usual. The vertical tab on the right-hand side will have the most recent official community videos, member contributions and so on. Are you creative? We hope to see you in that list!

Anyhow, first things first – your profile. That’s where you start, anyway!

Here you are able to find your most recent – duh – statistics as to PvP and PvE performances, your Ranked history and… even more detailed charts to keep track of your progress.

On we go!

Hands down the juiciest and most anticipated feature – your site inventory, namely “My Items”. Spot on, it’s well suited to your future trading and exchanging needs. As you see, I don’t have any items quite yet.

Those of you who follow our news feeds attentively and know of all the weekly giveaways – you’ll be a frequent visitor here. The page enables you to redeem the codes and just check their contents per your needs, and if you run into an error or a question – click that arrow and check the FAQ before getting onto our support. Whichever it is, we’ll sort you out, don’t worry!

Further down the list, we’ve got the events page you’re familiar with. New weapon in-game? Just want to get extra rewards? Check in here: learn about the events, their key conditions, track your progress and see what’s up ahead.

Let’s get back to the main interface, and scroll a bit down. At this point, we can see the ending of the most recent newsfeed as well as the top-10 clans, the Facebook shortcut and so on. The clan ladder will be synced with the one currently available in-game under the clans tab, and you can switch between the EU and US servers. Don’t mind my facebook friendlist, we’ve blurred that one out.

As you can see, there’s a whole lot on the way and as mentioned, it is mainly the ability to develop the site to fit every single need that comes with the new platform.

The actual transition will take place during less active hours in order to make it as smooth as, and affect as few of you as possible. Stay tuned for more news!

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