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Account migration reminder

Categories: General

Dear players!

As you’re well aware, Warface had a change of publishers in January 2017. In simple terms,’s partnership with Crytek allowed the latter to channel its resources more effectively and efficiently to deliver new content and updates, whereas can focus on integrating Warface into the gaming community and improving the game further.

How does this change affect you as a player? In fact, only to a minimal visible extent. And that’s exactly why we’ve stepped up to make the account transition as smooth and effortless for you as possible.

But wait, why is this necessary in the first place? It essentially comes down to the matters of security and effective data storage. In other words, it’s vital to maintain your data in a secure environment to be able to work with it – it’s one of the basics, really. As such, we’ve established the aforementioned account transfer program that requires minimal input from your side as a player – a mere activation is required to initiate the process – and spiced it up a little further by making you eligible for the “Earth Shaker” weapon skins upon completing the account transition.

It’ll have soon been five months since the transition began and it’s safe to say we’ve managed to move the prevailing majority of our member base so far. There are however rare cases of returning players coming up and seeking to restore their account which is exactly the reason we’re putting this notice up.

At this time, when contacted by a player about account restoration we are able to confirm the identity easily, whereas after June the process of identification will become incredibly difficult, or even sophisticated. Moreover, to break it down to bare facts, it’ll become nearly impossible to do so without extremely solid evidence.

Our goal at is to support all our players and welcome them to the new platform, which is exactly why we strive to prolong the program as much as possible to let you return and keep your stuff. Should you not choose to migrate your account at this time, you will highly likely lose it and we won’t be able to restore it for you. The reason for it is that if your account is currently not migrated – it is not on our servers.

Have you migrated your account? Great! You can help your friends keep their accounts by sharing this news with them. Whether it’s your old clan mates or just people you used to play with, let them know!

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