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Summer Season "Treasure Hunters" Now Live!

Categorias: Artigo


The new summer season "Treasure Hunters" is live in Warface! But don't expect it to be plain sailing, there are seasonal activities aplenty to have fun and fill up those treasure chests. A new Battle Pass season with upgraded daily task and progression systems, a new Ranked Matches season with improved ban and match cancellation systems, a new Prestige season, other quality of life improvements, striking thematic weapons, achievements, and charms are waiting for you! Keep the keel even and start playing!

Key Novelties of the Season

You can see the key features of the season in the infographic. Click on the button below to see the full change log of the update.

Click on the image to enlarge it. 

Social Media Activities

22.06 – 06.07

Retweet Contest. All you'll have to do to find this treasure is press one button! Enter the Retweet Contest for a chance to win a permanent weapon from the "Undead" weapon series.


Open the chest. Team up to join forces and open a very special treasure chest, that has a prize for everyone. And you don't even need a map!

30.06 – 07.06

One player's trash is another player's treasure! Share what weapon were you pleasantly surprised by for a chance to win any permanent weapon of your choosing!

Full change log

Join our Social Media and don't forget to leave your feedback:

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