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  • The Kredit pack prices will be readjusted on July 27, 2023.

    26 Jul 2023
    Dev News
  • You’ve been waiting for this! The modification system has breathed life into two more old weapons: Sidewinder Venom and the Cobalt Kinetics EDGE Rifle.
    11 Jul 2023
    Dev News
  • A new map for the "Plant the Bomb" mode is now available in the game. Check out the map’s visuals in this publication!

    06 Jul 2023
    Dev News
  • The new device, the Sticky Grenade, is now available in the game. Read on to learn about all of its possibilities!

    05 Jul 2023
    Dev News
  • A new Battle Pass "Treasure Hunters" is now available in Warface! It brings changes to the daily quest mechanic and the progression, and contracts for brand-new weapon series "Deep" and "Abyss".

    22 Jun 2023
    Dev News
  • The new season is already available in the game! You’ll delve into a treasure hunting adventure in the tropics. Learn more about new content! 

    08 Jun 2023
    Dev News
  • Mr. White has always been a dark and mysterious figure in the game lore. Now, we're ready to shed some light on his past and motives. We've also summed up the results of the social media activity. Check out — you may be one of the three winners of 1,000 Kredits!

    05 Jun 2023
    Dev News
  • New content will soon be added to the game! You're in for a new in-game event, weapon novelties, character skins for young Ursula Ellis and Oberon White, and improvements of older weapon models. 

    28 Apr 2023
    Dev News
  • Previously, the squad led by Noda was sent on a mission called "Rift: Infiltration". Read the article to read more about the plot and get playthrough advice.

    06 Apr 2023
    Dev News
  • Soon, new features will be added to the game. Read on about an in-game event for Warface Day, new game modes and maps, updates to the shop and the showcase, and other nifty future deliveries!

    05 Apr 2023
    Dev News